Ross Elementary ~ ECISD ~ Odessa, TX

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'M POSSIBLE'" - Audrey Hepburn

Mollie Jones


Click on Superpower to discover the counselor's role.

District Mission Statement

ECISD counselors will provide a comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling program that provides a delivery of prevention, intervention, and support services that enables all ECISD students to become productive and successful learners in our schools and in our community.

Personal Mission & Philosophy

As a professional school counselor, I dedicate time to collaborate with administration and other faculty to create a program that works for all students, placing their academic success as the number one priority. The counseling program is available for all students no matter their demographics, financial status, or family unit and I am flexible to make changes among my program as needed. As the school counselor, I fully believe I am to be approachable, available, confidential, trusting, listener, advocator, flexible, equitable, and passionate.

Meet Mrs. Jones

I have been in education since 2001. After many years in the classroom, I decided to follow my dreams and become a counselor. I am passionate about the well being of all students. Moving out of the classroom opens doors for me to help all students in the building and not just those behind my classroom door. I completed my Masters in May 2019 and have started my first counseling job at Ross Elementary. I am excited to be a part of the Rossome Ram Team.

ECISD Counselor's Page

ASCA Ethical Standards

Texas Counseling Association

Seeing a Counselor is not a sign of weakness but shows wisdom as you reach out for assistance.

Suicide Prevention


Click on picture
Click on ASCA model to read more about the ASCA comprehensive counseling program.

Comprehensive Counseling Program

A Comprehensive Counseling Program follows the American School Counseling Association model. The model has four components: Accountability, Management, Delivery, & Foundation. When all four components are present in a counseling program, all student's needs are a priority. The model also ensures the counselor is providing services for students to improve their overall academic success as well as prepare them for their future. More importantly following the ASCA Model keeps a counselor in their lane and providing services for all students.