Course Information and Requirements

Educators interested in adding the Gifted Education endorsement to a valid PEL are encouraged to visit their local ROE or the ISBE website for current requirements.  

Candidates may not need to take all courses offered.

Gifted Education Course Titles and Descriptions

EEND 602 SURVEY OF GIFTED EDUCATION (3): Focuses on intellectual giftedness, its description, characteristics and the nature of such gifts and talents in the elementary and secondary school setting. This course examines changes in definition, the controversy over characteristics, and a discussion of the causes and prevalence rates of giftedness. It also examines the assessment process, and product and process measures, including reflective assessment. The course concludes by examining the benefits and concerns with inclusion and collaboration along with a description of some excellent program options being utilized in today's schools and communities. 

EEND 654 ENCOURAGING STUDENT CREATIVITY AND CRITICAL THINKING (3): Explores strategies and best practices for meeting the advanced learning needs of students. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing student creativity and critical thinking skills. Candidates will explore how to identify and encourage students’ intellectual, artistic, vocational, and interpersonal talents and reinforce each talent in a learner-centered classroom. 

EEND 657 identification and assessment of gifted and talented students (3): Introduces the instruments and procedures used in identifying gifted and talented students. Candidates will deepen understandings of assessment techniques and build an awareness of the influences of diverse backgrounds on identification processes. Current methodologies and resources to gauge ongoing academic growth of gifted and talented students will also be explored. 

EEND 658 GIFTED AND TALENTED PRACTICUM (3): Provides candidates an opportunity to utilize and observe instructional strategies promoting the growth and development of gifted and talented students. Candidates will engage in professional activities that provide opportunities to interact with classroom educators and high achieving learners in the P-12 school setting.

EEND 718 Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students (3): Introduces the theory and research-based models of curriculum and instruction related to gifted and talented students. Provides candidates with the knowledge and skills to select, adapt, design, and deliver appropriate curriculum for academically gifted and talented students. Current methodologies and resources developed to enrich and accelerate the learning of gifted and talented students will be explored. 

EEND 719 Social and Emotional Development of Gifted and Talented Students (3): This course addresses the social and emotional characteristics and needs of gifted and talented students. Candidates will develop an understanding of the social and emotional issues (e.g., perfectionism, anxiety, underachievement) gifted and talented learners may experience. Candidates will develop strategies and tools to support the affective needs of gifted and talented students and learn how to create a safe, inclusive learning environment 

Schedule and Registration

Courses in this series are offered 100% online. Click on the course title to view a sample syllabus.

Educators interested in adding the Gifted Education to a valid PEL are encouraged to visit their local ROE or the ISBE website for current requirements.


Educators interested in adding the Gifted Education endorsement to a valid PEL are encouraged to visit their local ROE or the ISBE website for current requirements.