Columbus Ohio mold allergies and reactions

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are you experiencing allergies or reactions to columbus Mold?

Symptoms include runny noses, irritated eyes, watery eyes, sinus issues, coughing, headaches, uncontrollable sneezing, trouble breathing, and even rashes on the skin. Those who have delicate immune systems are even more suseptible to symptoms of mold exposure: lung infections are a very real concern here. For those who have compromised immune systems, it is HIGHLY suggested to avoid places where mold will be a likely feature: especially outdoor mold havens like forests and compost piles, really anywhere where rotting or dead organic material can be found en masse.

what can happen after mold exposure?

Pneumonia can be triggered after being around black mold in a small number of people who have other medical issues. Other symptoms of toxic black mold exposure are allergies/common allergic reactions: sinus issues, headaches, itchiness at the eyes, etc).

A study at Michigan State University in 2006 found that exposure to certain kinds of black mold killed cells in the nasal passages that are needed for the ability to smell.

It turns out that black mold spores contain a toxin that damages BOTH parts of the brain and the nose, effectively harming the places where smell is taken in and the place where smells are registered and categorized.

what about children's mold reactions?

Black mold can poison infants: after a period of exposure to particularly high levels of black mold spores, several infants in Cleveland in 1994 died of bleeding in the lungs (pulmonary hemosiderosis).

Black mold can also poison cats! Felines living in water damaged homes and being exposed to black mold spores are also highly subject to dying of pulmonary hemorrhage.