DEIJ Statement

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Justice 

As an internal migrant from the war-torn region of South Waziristan in northwestern Pakistan, I constantly grapple with language barriers and ethnic discrimination in Islamabad, the nation's capital. The majority of the community predominantly speaks Urdu or Punjabi, while my native language, Pashto, has greatly impacted my ability to learn and communicate effectively with my peers and teachers. Despite these hurdles, I continue to excel as a distinguished student, as a result of one teacher, who helped me to overcome these barriers. These childhood experiences have left an indelible mark on me, inspiring me to devote myself to creating a diverse, inclusive, and fair academic environment both in academics and professional settings, where my goal remains to ensure that all individuals, irrespective of their language, background, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, are respected, valued, and provided with equal opportunities.

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have actively worked to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. In my past work, I have engaged with marginalized communities and prioritized raising their voices and addressing their unique needs. For example, during my research and fieldwork in Southeast Asia and Africa with donors and NGOs, I witnessed the detrimental impact of social and environmental inequalities on vulnerable populations. I collaborated closely with community organizations, governments, and academia to develop projects that aimed to empower marginalized groups and advocate for their rights. In my community engagement efforts and as Founder of Transhelp-an award-winning trans-led health tech startup, I have actively sought opportunities to democratize affordable health and legal aid for gender minorities in Pakistan, and my work has gained significant recognition worldwide for incorporating DEIJ perspectives. Similarly, as a founder of Youth Advocacy Council Pakistan, a significant number of projects were centered around gender and religious minorities, providing them equal employment and leadership opportunities, where our board of directors today represents 50% minorities.  By centering the voices of underrepresented communities like transgender in Pakistan, I have worked to challenge power imbalances and promote equity and social justice. I have also participated in initiatives and programs that aim to promote diversity and support underrepresented groups including passing ground-breaking legislation by the National Assembly in Pakistan to give the right of Vote to the Trans community.

Additionally, in my teaching, I have strived to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for students from different ethnic or racial backgrounds in Pakistan and South Korea. I have also actively encouraged open dialogue, mutual respect, and the appreciation of diverse viewpoints among students and helped them to realize their potential. Having said that, I am always eager to contribute to the ongoing diversity, inclusion, equity, and Justice Efforts at the institute I am going to serve. I am committed to creating an inclusive and empowering environment, amplifying the voices of marginalized students and BIPOC communities, and actively working towards dismantling systemic barriers. I will also actively engage in initiatives, collaborate with colleagues, and support programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus and beyond.

In conclusion, my personal and professional experiences have shaped my deep commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive academic environment where all individuals are valued and empowered to thrive.