
Profusion certificates
Product Management, Business, Marketing & Strategy related 

UNCTAD - Empretec Training
--> 48 hours of intensive training  


About the training 
EMPRETEC is a flagship capacity-building program of UNCTAD for the promotion of entrepreneurship and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to facilitate sustainable development and inclusive growth.
Empretec program stands for:
  • A strong global network of national Empretec centers that provide supporting services to entrepreneurs, including vulnerable groups, with a focus on developing countries.
  • National centers with strong governmental links contribute to policy advice.
  • The delivery of the unique Entrepreneurship Training Workshop on entrepreneurial skills building.
  • 34 years of entrepreneurship promotion experience - with a worldwide network of over 500'000 trained entrepreneurs named empretecos.

Empretec has been recognized by United Nations General Assembly resolutions since 2012 as a tool for the sustainable development of entrepreneurship.

Find more about it here. 

User Experience (UX) Fundamentals
--> 4 days of intensive training  

Google _ for Startups

The main topics were: 

1. Finding & developing the value proposition.

2. Identifying the real user need and the product goal.
3. Designing the user journey.
4. Prototyping, Wireframing, and features development.  
5. Users Interview, Research  & Testing. 
6. Design Thinking & Usability. 

Find the learning lessons here

New Venture Program ( FastTrac)
--> 45 days of intensive training  

IMPACT MENA - powered by Kauffman 

The main topics were:

  1. Discover how your business concept matches your personal vision.
  2. Align your business concept with a real market opportunity.
  3. Find your target market and discover your competitive advantage.
  4. Determine the unique features and benefits of your product/ service.
  5. Learn how to set realistic financial goals for your business.
  6. Define your company’s brand and marketing.
  7. Learn how to manage business functions & develop organizational culture.
  8. Determine the steps to profitability.
  9. Identify potential sources of funding for your business.
  10. Launch your business & grow it.

Find the learning lessons here and here 

Advanced-Data Analytics  
--> 280 hours of coursework  

Correlation One - DS4A/ Jordan 2.0 - 2023

The main gained skills were:

  1. Python
  2. Data Visualization
  3. Data Modeling
  4. Data analysis
  5. SQL
  6. Jupyter
  7. EDA
  8. Data Literacy
  9. Data Wrangling in Excel
  10. Dashboard Design
  11. Looker Studio

How to Build World Class Products
Product School

Main topics were: 
1. How to Optimize Your Product Using Analytics.

2.Why Analytics is Key for PMs
3. Artificial Intelligence for Product Managers.
4. How to Build World Class User On-boarding
5. How to Find Solutions to Problems

Find the learning lessons here

Critical Thinking for the information age
University of Michigan

Main topics were: 
1. Statistics & Normal Distribution

2. Correlation & Illusory Correlation
3. The law of large numbers & Sunk Costs.
4. Statistical Significance & Confirmation Bias.
5. A/B Testing, Base Rate & Cost-benefit Analysis.
6. The Illusion of Objectivity, Loss Aversion
      Dialectical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning

Find the learning lessons here

SEO Writing Masterclass
SURFER Academy

Main topics were: 
1. Content strategy and keyword research. 

2. Content for different stages of awareness
3. Four phases of SEO writing
4. Plan call-to-actions across your content.
5. Optimize rankings with Google Search Console.
6. Discovery, Writing, Conversion & Optimization SEO Phases strategies.

Find the learning lessons here

Social & rewards related 

Mentorship appreciation letter

all4jo activities.docx.pdf

Initiatives joining letter

Startup Weekend Jordan mentoring

Letter of Appreciation - Mhmd Misto-Jusoor.pdf

Startup Weekend Jordan mentoring

First place winner 

Startup weekend & startup battle Amman

Training certificate

Business Entrepreneurship   

Training Certificate 


Certificate of compilation Android development course 

Certificate of completion of fundraising and proposal writing course 

Training certificate from Google students Ambassador program 

Training Certificate in Media Skills from Leaders of Tomorrow 

Mobile application development - Android 

Training certificate in Social Marketing and social media and public relations 

Certificate of appreciation from Al-Hussain Bin Talal university president  

Certificate of Attending Google DevFest Petra University 

Certificate of finishing 60 hours of Android 101 training at Petra University 

The letter that I got selected to be Google student ambassador 

The Invitation letter from Palestine Technical university

Certificate that I got selected as one of Badir / IYF fellows

Certificate of completion Digital marketing training 

Training course in Entrepreneurship 

English Level - intermediate 

Participation certificate - Makers Hackathone 

invitation to represent the university 

The Global Summit VI Certificate of Appreciation 2018

Software Product Management from Edraak 

Google Analytics for beginners from Google

Advanced Google Analytics from Google

Because all endings are also beginnings

Misto Mohammad