Mohan Swaminathan
My research interests are symplectic topology and enumerative geometry. Since September 2022, I am a Szegö Assistant Professor at the Stanford University mathematics department. Starting from July 2025, I will be a tenure-track Reader at the School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Previously, I was a graduate student at the Princeton University mathematics department (2017 - 2022) and an undergraduate at the Chennai Mathematical Institute (2014 - 2017).
Email: mohans [at] stanford [dot] edu
(joint with Fatemeh Rezaee) An obstruction to smoothing stable maps, arXiv:2407.01845.
Stable maps to SNC degenerations, appendix to the paper Curves on complete intersections and measures of irrationality by Nathan Chen, Benjamin Church and Junyan Zhao, arXiv:2406.12101.
(joint with Fatemeh Rezaee) Constructing smoothings of stable maps, Advances in Mathematics 467 (2025), paper no. 110188, published version, arXiv:2309.12936.
(joint with Amanda Hirschi) Global Kuranishi charts and a product formula in symplectic Gromov-Witten theory, Selecta Mathematica New Series 30 (2024), no. 5, paper no. 87, published version, arXiv:2212.11797.
(joint with Shaoyun Bai) Bifurcations of embedded curves and towards an extension of Taubes' Gromov invariant to Calabi-Yau 3-folds, Duke Mathematical Journal 173 (2024), no. 15, 2947--3057, published version, arXiv:2106.01206.
Quantitative Gromov Compactness, arXiv:2104.11771.
Rel-$C^\infty$ structures on Gromov-Witten moduli spaces, Journal of Symplectic Geometry 19 (2021), no. 2, 413--473, published version, arXiv:1910.12264.
Selected talks
Columbia Symplectic Geometry & Gauge Theory seminar, April 2024, slides.
SLMath/MSRI Floer Homotopy Program Seminar, September 2022, video.
Columbia Enumerative Geometry Seminar, October 2021, slides, video.
Spring 2025: Math 51 (Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications).
Winter 2025: Math 109 (Groups and Symmetry) and Math 144 (Introduction to Topology and Geometry).
Winter 2024: Math 51 (Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications).
Autumn 2023: Math 109 (Groups and Symmetry) and Math 113 (Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory).
Winter 2023: Math 51 (Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications).
Received the Excellence in Teaching Award 2021 awarded by the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Engineering Councils, Princeton University for: MAT204 (Advanced Linear Algebra with Applications) Precept in Spring 2020.
Virtual techniques precourse at SFT 10 workshop, Berlin, August 2023.
Stable maps minicourse at symplectic mini-workshop, Chennai Mathematical Institute, May 2024.
Holomorphic curves minicourse at NCM symplectic workshop, ISI Kolkata, June 2024.
Gromov compactness at Kylerec pre-workshop, online, June 2024.
Counting embedded curves at Kylerec, Easton WA, June 2024.
Global Kuranishi charts at Symplectothon, Big Bear Lake CA, November 2024.