Mohammed Sohel

      -  Aspiring Engineer

About me

Working as Trainee Analyst at Metrix lab, Hyderabad

Role: Trainee Analyst 

Company: Metrixlab, Hyderabad.

01-08-2023 - Present 

 My Highlights 

Speech on Real Engineering in National Event of IUCEE_EWB HITAM  "InnoFiesta-2022" organized by Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management, Hyderabad, Telangana. 

Presented project in All India Competition of UBA-Nectar at Cotton University, ASSAM. and won 1st and 3rd place in the overall final round 10 out of 4 projects of my team got selected and presented in North East Conclave Region  - Assam and I was fully sponsored for this Conclave by UBA-NECTAR.

 My Skills 

 Software Skills 

 Non-Technical  Skills 


Btech in Electronics and Communication Engineering 

MPC - State Board of Intermeidate

SSC - Secondary School of Education