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About me

i'm Senior Consultant in AI , Principal Data Scientist at Pixemantic , Doctoral Researcher at Lab-STICC (UMR CNRS 6285) | University Lecturer in Data-driven solutions | AI Expert & Health-tech Speaker

        securIty and Resilience of Information Systems

Research directions

The IRIS team addresses security issues related with critical systems. Critical systems cover a large variety of domains like transportation, energy and water distribution, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing... An adversity in these systems may result in injury, loss of life or environmental damage. These systems have to continue operating in the face of adversity, whether it comes from a malicious activity or not. The aim of the IRIS team is to prevent or mitigate the threat of malicious activities and harden the architecture of critical systems. Our application scope goes from civil to military contexts and concerns the confidentiality, integrity and availability of these systems. 

Team structure

To provide the security of these systems, the IRIS team focuses on three research topics: cyber-protection, cyber-defense and cyber-resilience, as it is depicted on the following figure.

Équipe : IRIS 

Fonction : ATER

Téléphone : 0601442600

Adresse email : mohamed.touati@univ-brest.fr

Adresse : UBO Site de Brest - LC 115A - 2 rue françois verny - 29200 BREST

Site internet : https://sites.google.com/view/mohamedtouati/welcome

Mots-Clés : Machine Learning , Deep Learning , Computer Vision ,Security , Watermarking ,Diabetic Retinopathy.

My Pitch 

To be a Data Scientist you have to be better at maths than a developer and better at developer than a maths.

A Data Scientist uses data to identify and solve complex problems.

Some Data Scientists work more on the client side and will therefore try to understand business issues, adapt machine-learning algorithms and test them to deliver the best possible predictive quality. Other Data Scientists are working more on the R&D side and will therefore invent new algorithms but will never be in contact with customers.

There is no school to become a Data Scientist. In general, Data Scientists have more of a scientific background (math, biology, physics, etc.).

I'm qualified and responsible doctoral researcher and data scientist, My experience,particularly with a Leap Conseil (Montreal) as Data Science Advisor, Lead Data Scientist at DNA Global Analytic(Geneva) and Through my experience as Chef Projects at iConnetServices(Tunis), Applied experience in a field with very large and complex data sets such as Biology, Physics, or Social Sciences. PhD Position in Deep Learning Medical imaging for Diabetic Retinopathy classification... Experience with sensor data standards and sensor systems is desired ,Experience in software development and agile methodologies for delivering analytics outcome  5 years of experience in at least one of the following Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Classification Models, Cluster Analysis, Neural Networks, Non-parametric Methods, Multivariate Statistics, Reliability Models, Markov Models,Stochastic models, Bayesian Models Assess and approve documents for contribution to the corpus upon which NLP.

Engineering Experiences Fileds : 

 knowledge and experience in:


OCR passport and ID cards

Data extraction from a Passport using OCR technologies and possible solutions. 

Sentiment prediction, gender and age estimation using Multi-task Learning
