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Current Research Projects


Published articles in refereed journals

-[1.25]  « The Great Lockdown and the Small Business: Impact, channels and adaptation to the Covid pandemic », with P. M. Le  and L. Chauvet, World Development, forthcoming.

[1.24]  « Social Integration of Syrian Refugees and Their Intention to Stay in Germany », with C. Hannafi, Journal of Population Economics, vol. 36, no 2, p. 581-607 , [2023].

-[1.23] "Are labour markets in the Middle East and North Africa recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic? ", with R. Assaad, C. Krafft, M. A., Cheung, R., and Laplante, A. , IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 14(1). 

-[1.22] « Structural Change in Developing Countries: Which Policies Matter? » with Emad, J. and C. Zaki, Revue d’économie du développement, vol 31,  no 2, p. 137-142,  [2022].

[1.21]  « Pension reform and unemployment outcomes », with M. Ben Othman, Middle East Development Journal, vol. 14, no 2, p. 264-281, [2022].

[1.20] « Le fardeau des travailleurs vulnérables dans les pays en développement : une évaluation des effets du confinement en Tunisie  », with P. Le Minh, Revue d’économie du développement, Volume 29 (1), pp. 85-110 [2021].  

[1.19] «The economics of the Syrian refugee crisis in neighboring countries. The case of Lebanon », with A. David, C. Nahas et B. Nilsson, The Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, [2020].

[1.18] Pension Systems Contribution Determinants: a Cross Sectional Analysis on Tunisia », with M. Ben Braham, Middle-East Development Journal, 11:1, 30-48, [2019].

[1.17] « Migration Patterns and Labor Market Outcomes », with A. David, STATECO, N°113, pp 107-118, [2019].

– [1.16] « The Labor Market Effects of Skill-biased Technological Change in Malaysia », with B. Nilsson, Economic Modelling, Volume 57, pp. 55-75, [2016].

– [1.15] « Contribution of Structural Change to Productivity Growth : Evidence from Tunisia », with R. Mouelhi, Journal of African Economies, pp. 123, [2016].

– [1.14] « Migration and Employment Interactions in a Crisis Context : the case of Tunisia. », with A. David, Economics of Transition, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp. 597-624, [2015].

– [1.13] « Foreign Workers in Malaysia : Labor Market and Firm Level Analysis. », with X. Del Carpio, B. Nilsson, C. Ozden, M. Testaverde and M. Wagner, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, Vol 52 No 1, [2015], pp. 1-19.

– [1.12] « Assessing interactions among education, social insurance and labor market policies in Morocco », with D. Robalino, Applied Economics, volume 44, N. 24, pp. 3149-3167, [2012].

– [1.11] « Poverty Reduction and Growth Interactions : What Can Be Learned from the Syrian Experience ? », with A. David, Development Policy Review, volume 30(6), pp. 773-787, [2012].

– [1.10] « Service sectors restrictiveness and economic performance : An estimation for the MENA region », with N. Bottini and L. Munro, The World Economy, volume 34(9), pp. 1652-1678, [2011].

– [1.9] « More jobs for university graduates : some policy options for Tunisia », Applied Economics Letters, 1466-4291, volume 17, N. 10, pp. 933-937, [2010].

– [1.8] « The distributive impact of Vietnam’s accession to the WTO », with J.P. Cling, M. Razafindrakoto, A. S. Robilliard et F. Roubaud, International Economics 118, pp. 43-71, [2009].

– [1.7] « Is the end of the MFA a threat ? », Review of Development Economics, volume 13, N. 1, pp. 99-110, [2009].

– [1.6] « Ouverture commerciale, réformes fiscales et chômage en Tunisie : une analyse en équilibre général intertemporel », Revue Economique, volume 59, N.8, pp. 119-148, [2008].

– [1.5] « Croissance et réduction de la pauvreté au Mali : quelques éléments de réflexion », with M. Raffinot, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol. XXVII, N.4, [2006].

– [1.4] « Recherche économique et prise de décision publique en Afrique : quel rôle de la coopération ? », avec E. Ayuk, STATECO, N.100, pp. 131-139, [2006].

– [1.3] « Conséquences du démantèlement de l’AMF sur les PVD : le cas de la Tunisie », with J.P. Cling and J.R. Chaponnière, Revue Française d’Économie, volume XX, N.2, pp. 151-196, [2005].

– [1.2] « Are PRPSs Making a Difference ? The African Experience : Mali », with I. Dante, J.F. Gautier and M. Raffinot, Development Policy Review, vol. 21, N.2 (mars), [2003].

– [1.1] « Ouverture commerciale et emploi : un modèle d’équilibre général avec salaires d’efficience appliqué à la Tunisie », Revue Economique, vol 51, N.3, pp. 557-569, [2000].

Books and book chapters

– [2.11] «Tunisia: employment and inequality trends», with P. le Minh and Michelle Marshalian, chap. 7 in Tasks, Skills, and Institutions: The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality. Gradín, Lewandowski, Schotte, and Sen eds., Oxford University Press, [2023].

– [2.10]: «  Access to social protection by immigrants, emigrants and resident nationals in Tunisia  », with L. Gelb, chap. 22 in Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 3), Lafleur and Vintila eds, Springer, pp. 363-375.

– [2.9] « The Labor Market Effects of Skill-biased Technological Change in Malaysia », with B. Nilsson, chap. 8 in : Internal Migration, Urbanisation and Poverty in Asia : Dynamics and Interrelationships, Jayanthakumaran, Verma, Wan and Wilson eds., Springer, [2019].

– [2.8]Migration Patterns and Labor Market Outcomes”, with A. David, chapter 10 in: The Tunisian Labor Market in an Era of Transition, Assaad and Boughzala eds., Oxford University Press [2018].

– [2.7] « Tunisia : Jobs to combat high youth unemployment », with A. El Lahga and R. Ben Ayed, chapter in : Jobs and Development : Diverse Challenges, Diverse Solutions, Betcherman eds., Oxford University Press, 2016.

– [2.6] « Immigration in Malaysia : Assessment of its effects and a Review of the Policy and System », with X. Del Carpio, R. Karupiah, C. Ozden, M. Testaverde and M. Wagner, The World Bank, 240 p., [2013].

– [2.5] « Trade-induced changes in economic inequalities : Assessment issues and policy implications for developing countries », with S. Chabe-Ferret, J. Gourdon and T. Voituriez., chap. 1 in : Trade, Globalization and Sustainability Impact Assessment, Ekins and Voituriez, Earthscan, pp. 19-44, [2009].

– [2.4] The Policy Paradox in Africa, with E. Ayuk, Africa World Press, 320 p., [2007].

– [2.3] « Poverty reduction in Mali : will the PRSP process make a difference ? », with I. Dante I. and M. Raffinot chap.8, in : New Poverty Reduction Strategies, Cling et al., Routledge, pp. 203-218, [2003].

– [2.2] « Mali », with I. Dante, J.F. Gautier and M. Raffinot, chap. 5, in : Fighting Poverty in Africa, Booth D., ODI, pp. 153-186 [2003].

– [2.1] « ”Gagner l’argent” ou formuler une politique de développement ? Le Document Stratégique de Réduction de la Pauvreté au Mali », with I. Dante, J.F. Gautier I. and M. Raffinot, in : Les nouvelles stratégies de lutte contre la pauvreté dans les pays en développement, Cling et al, Economica [2002].

Work in Progress

"Impact of the Stringency and Volatility of Covid Containment Measures on Firms' Performances in the MENA Region", ILO/ERF Working Paper (2022)

"Economic Interdependence and Conflict in MENA", with Gunes Asik (2021), ERF Working Paper N° 1481.

"Inequality and occupational change in times of Revolution: the Tunisian perspective", with Phuong Le Minh (2021), DIAL Working Paper 2021-06.

"Jobs, earnings and routine-task occupational change in times of Revolution : the Tunisian perspective", with Phuong le Minh and Michelle Marshalian (2020). WIDER Workin Paper 2020/171.

"Household enterprises: the impact of formality on productivity and profits" with Nesma Ali (2020). ERF Working Paper N°1452.

"Winners and Losers in Industrial Policy 2.0", with Michelle Marshalian (2020). WIDER Working Paper 2020/21.

"Productivity, structural change and skills dynamics: Evidence from a half century analysis", with Gunes Asik, Ulas Karakoc and Michelle Marshalian (2020). WIDER Working Paper 2020/18.