Re-Imagining the Educational System & the Self

MÔË's Steps to Success is a self-improvement book that will ultimately teach you emotional intelligence and existential knowledge.

This book re-imagines the educational system and the self to allow you to have a prosperous and content lifestyle.

From this book, you receive a first-hand view and understanding regarding the complexity of people's experiences to gain self-awareness, existential skills, and emotional intelligence. I will take you through three stages in my life that started with me questioning things, proceeded with deciding what I wanted life to look for me, and then taking action, along with activities to create a proactive mindset.

With these practices, you will be able to

  • Break generational curses and poverty in your family

  • Expand your perspectives and practice emotional intelligence

  • Change the way we think to create the life we genuinely envision for yourself

  • Heal from past trauma and exchanging that negative energy for positive feelings like happiness.

  • Create a self-growth mindset to change bad habits into better habits that we use to have a reflective and successful path

If you are interested in self-awareness, you will learn to discover what you want to become. You will then take the next steps in holding yourself accountable by practicing a growth mindset for the life you desire. This book is the chance to reinvent yourself and not just talk about your dreams and essential matters but to take action and make those dreams a reality!

I will be expressing my own experiences and commenting on collected research that has helped me over the past few years. By using the practices discussed in this book, I was able to feel more content, confident, and excited about each day to come. Individually, I was intentional and engaging in internally healing to unlock the potential of greatness I knew could be a reality for me. After reading this book, you will have the beginning steps to change your mindset to manifest the life you want.

The main objective is for rising entrepreneurs and students to find and attract the lifestyle each person reading this wants. This book offers starter pack approaches to synthesizing practical skill-building to survive the real world, with the ambitious efforts to realize the youth's full potential and strike back at injustice.

This book has two reasons for existing: suicide rates have increased "33% from 1999 to 2017". Suicide rates have only been growing since 2006. (NCHS Data Brief No. 330, November 2018) Many people do not know how to acknowledge their pain and take steps to heal from their trauma. Some feel alone, and others do not know what steps to take that can work for them. Youth and young adults need to understand how to identify when they are unhappy. To have the resources to start then working to figure out what is causing that feeling of despair and what changes can lead a happy life. The second is that lack of education resources is one of the leading causes of generational poverty that heavily affects youth of color and low-income families.

With this book, you will understand how to acknowledge your feelings and use proactive strategies to obtain success. Do you find yourself wanting more in life? You may ask questions like:

Why is this happening to me? How can I get in control of my life?

Why am I always procrastinating?

How can I make some money to be rich?

How can I be my best self today?

What makes me happy in life?

What is the next step for me in life?

What is my purpose?"

If this sounds like you or someone you know, then this is the perfect book for you.

This book aims to help you find ways to answer these questions, organize your life to manifest incredible things, and enter a life you are proud to say you live. This book is essential for you because it shows you how to identify when you are unhappy, your strengths, weaknesses, and how to deal with them to decide then the best steps moving forward.

Re-Imagining the Self


Re-Imagining the Educational System


Manifesting The Life You Envision


Most self-help books focus on the self, financial literacy, or direct relationships like family or lovers. This book combines and expands on this idea involving the educational system to understand the self easier in the future. Along with the use of personal anecdotes of lessons I have learned and been introduced to from research on different self-help books who shared the overall goal of acquiring happiness, letting the universe work in your favor, and demolishing generational poverty. We will look at self-help from a holistic view as your environment, view of the self and surroundings can enormously influence the individual. It all goes into how using these practices and teachings to society can theoretically make the transition of improvement easier as it could be taught at younger ages overtime. The purpose of this book is to take you on a journey of what my personal experiences have taught me around self-improvement and how important it is to have a holistic approach when consciously growing. Suppose we re-imagine the educational system and the self in schools; thus, it will produce a generation of youth and young adults that self-help books would work for.

Improvement of the self matters because learners will be able to identify what a healthy relationship looks like, heal from their trauma, and practice the law of attraction while being grateful for having the life they desire. I have written this book to give students and young adults the beginning blueprint of overcoming obstacles and taking control of what they can change in their lives. I express my past experiences of being surrounded by sadness and overwhelmed insecurities, including fear from toddler age through eighteen. I want to share how I did not allow my environment to define me or lead me towards a downward spiral. Being the youngest of ten siblings had some downsides, but it also has its perks. Everyone sees you as a child, so you are barely noticed, especially when hectic things are happening. I grew up extremely docile, as I was in fear of behaving poorly due to my abusively strict household. Growing up, it was literally "do not speak unless you are spoken to." Experiencing this caused me to become an observer. I used this to my advantage, watching my siblings grow up and live their different but similar lives. I learned from my siblings' mistakes and chose a path that would feed my soul instead of draining it.

Breaking this cycle of generational poverty, toxic behaviors, and bitterness sparked my curiosity. It made me question what was being taught to be the norm. I wondered why no one was saying anything about the same things we saw that was happening. There was always this unexplainable feeling of “this is wrong; why is this happening? Why isn’t anyone saying anything? Is this normal for everyone, or is it just my family?” All these questions and negative emotions frequently came up for me. Because I was the youngest living in a four-bedroom apartment with well over thirteen people living in it. I got to see everything and everyone's reaction to everything that was going on. I remember times where I shared those questions, and advocated for my sanity and lived to experience the regressive backfire from my bravery. My breaking point was at sixteen when I realized you could not change anyone but yourself. If people are stuck in their ways, and that is all you have known it under no circumstances mean you have to follow in those same footsteps as well. So, when I turned eighteen, I went to Massachusetts to attend college on my own, where I learned what it was to find my triple P's: power, purpose, and potential.

This book reimagines the educational system and the self to allow you to have a prosperous and content lifestyle. The objective is to re-envision our perspective on what’s taught in school to create independent thinkers’ who actively practice self-awareness in their personal lives as an adult, student, and rising entrepreneur.


MÔË Academy For Leaders is a non-profit school that truly prepares youth for all aspects in life. This school stands out as it provides the true definition of a holistic learning experience personal, professional, and academic with the end goal of guiding students to prosperous and flourishing lifestyle. We offer a space for students to build, create, and understand that education isn’t just within the classroom and how it can be used for greatness.

MÔË Acedemy For Leaders vision is to create entrepreneurs, independent and critical thinkers. Our mission is to help youth identify their academic needs and guide them in finding their true purpose, values and passions in life. We help students discovery and create the best version of themselves by practicing self-growth and proactive mindsets.