Warning: Cannot Modify Header Information

This PHP header error results from extra unfilled spaces that shouldn't be inside your records. You may have coincidentally made them when you are changing WordPress or your Theme records. You will see something like going with an error message. This article helps you to find the information of Warning: Cannot Modify Header Information

Locating the error

We can research this issue by looking at the report to which the error message is featuring. Looking at the above model error, we can see that it centers to wp-config.php.

This error generally speaking happens in wp-config.php or functions.php, considering the way that the two records are most routinely modified by customers. Expecting you wind up being changing a theme report other than functions.php, the error may be from the record that you have as of late modified.

Therefore, it's for each situation extraordinary practice to keep a summary of records that you have managed. In programming, we consider this report a changelog.


You ought to use your FTP program to modify the record on your specialist.

Use your FTP program to login to your web specialist.

Investigate to your record, in the model, it's the wp-config.php.

Open up the wp-config.php record.

Quest for <?PHP at indisputably the beginning stage of the report. Take out any space before <?PHP

The <?PHP which is the PHP opening tag should be unquestionably mainline of the record inside wp-config.php

Quest for any ?> sign around the completion of the archive, if there is any, you ought to dispose of any space after it.

If you can't find any ?> sign after the record, you will not need to do anything. Just to play safe, you can take out void lines.

If your error centers to functions.php, you can finish a comparative strategy.

Error achieved by module

If you can't discover the error, and unable to fix it. There is a high chance that it's coming from a module. You can incapacitate all modules to check whether it fixes your issue. If to be certain it's achieved by a module, you can start finding it by engaging every module thusly and re-stacking your site.

After you have found the module that is causing this issue, you ought to disable it and report this issue to the module planner.