Modern Spain in the Twentieth Century

King Alfonso XIII,who came to the throne in 1902 insisted on involvement with political affairs, including the removing ministers and prime-ministers.

From 1902 to 1923, there were 33 different governments.

Anarchy was also growing. At the king's wedding in 1906, a bomb was thrown at the royal carriage. It killed 24 people and two of the horses drawing the carriage. The king and queen were unhurt.

Spain stayed neutral in World War 1 of 1914 to 1918 but had enough turmoil of it's own with political violence on the increase.

The military used a large proportion of the national budget but it's effectiveness was not certain.

An military coup in 1923 led to 6 years of military dictatorship which the king agreed with, against the constitution to which he had committed to.

The country was making economic progress during this dictatorship. making money.

In 1930, the military was angry and the king removed the dictator, Primo, and call an election.

However, the people had turned against the king

and a republic (Spain's second) was formed in 1931. The king ran away to live in Italy (in exile).