Modernizing is a better way.
Not Redevelopment.

We voted for the bond to protect all schools, and we voted to rebuild the Heights.

We want to make traffic better. We want to evacuate faster. We need Defensible Space against the inevitable wildfire in the Torrey Pines Reserve. We want the portables to go away. We want to bring back the blacktop play space. We want our kids back in their school.

Modernizing the existing buildings can do this.

Don't you think it makes sense for kids to be able to walk and bike to their neighborhood school?

Fewer cars makes for less traffic. Less traffic makes our neighborhood safer.

Right-size the Heights so both of our walkable neighborhood schools balance to serve the needs of both our community and our kids.

We're looking forward to having both great schools and community play space for the next 50 years.

The Short Version of the Story

Declining enrollment district-wide means we don't need an oversized school. We can bring enrollment back to the capacity of the original, permanent buildings while helping to protect other walkable neighborhood schools from closing.

In her video promoting the bond, Holly McClurg told us, "As Del Mar Union School District parents, residents, and taxpayers, you own these schools."

The Longer Version of the Story

The Baseball Field belongs to the Public

Busing Ended in 1998. Traffic is a major problem ever since.

$2 million in 2000 and the 2019 SARC Exemplary status means the building bones are in great shape for Modernization.

Modernizing maintains great defensive space, and removing the portables makes the whole campus safer.