i hooked up my 2 year old av cable to my ipad 2 to watch a movie tonight... i was just messing around when i pressed on the modern combat 3 app and i totally played it on the tv... a standard definition tv.

on another note i did notice that my 9mm game wouldn't work like modern combat 3 ... weird b/c they're both gameloft and were released within a couple of months of each other. i guess 9mm is a little older.

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The stories behind the missions are about what you'd expect from a modern, military-themed shooter: You get tasked with things like defending an outpost, destroying a communications tower, manning a turret, and so on. These missions are explained to you by a female announcer while the levels are loading. The result is that you pay less attention to the load time and more attention to your objective. The level design is straightforward, but there's usually an onscreen arrow directing you to your destination anyway.

While the plot, voice acting, and dialogue are in rough draft form, the combat is much more refined. Developers are struggling to produce a decent set of first-person shooter controls for the iPhone. Big titles from yesteryear such as Doom and Duke Nukem stumbled in their introduction to the iPhone platform, but Gameloft may have finally broken the code.

Pocket Gamer's Tracy Erickson wrote of the iPhone version, "while it likely won't be long before a new game raises the bar, Modern Combat 2 has for now set the new shooter standard."[13] Slide to Play's Chris Reed called it "top notch modern warfare on the go" and praised the multiplayer feature.[19] TouchArcade's Eli Hodapp said, "there is absolutely nothing like it on the App Store [...] The single player, while entirely cliche [sic], is extremely fun to play through and the online multiplayer is incredible. Our forum members have been going crazy over the game, and as it stands, Modern Combat 2 is the king of iPhone first person shooters. For now, anyway."[15]

A:tag_hash_111_Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus is a mobile video game franchise developed by Gameloft and is published by Gameloft. It focuses on real-life modern war battles. The games contain real-life weapons, such as the AK-47, and M40A3, and the MP5.

As in most modern first-person shooters, you predictably play as an elite super-soldier whose job is to save the world by clearing out terrorists until you face an insane and brutal boss bent on world destruction. The single-player campaign includes a few different game types you'll encounter as you progress through the game's chapters and unlock new equipment.

This is a nice excuse for action-packed combat sequences and a bunch of nicely rendered orange explosions. Before you jump straight for comments, there's much more to this game than meets the eye. A new Gameloft blog post published Thursday offers new details on the game's unified progression system and its four soldier classes...

I've been testing the Duo Gamer for a few days, and once it's paired with your iOS device it "just works." Tutorial segments are reworded to reflect the use of the gamepad, so no guesswork is involved. Controls are remapped automatically, and using the Duo Gamer truly elevates the experience of games like Gameloft's Killzone-esque shooter N.O.V.A. 3, providing gameplay and responsiveness on par with modern consoles. In a thoughtful touch, the supplied stand accommodates an iPad or iPhone and has a discrete cutout to fit Apple's Digital AV Adapter when you want to transport your game to a larger monitor or television via HDMI.

Rene: Three hours into using my iPhone 6 Plus and the iPhone 5 felt small and the iPhone 4 felt like a toy. What had been my window into internet and apps suddenly felt cramped and claustrophobic. Three months and I know I'm never going back. I like the iPhone 6 a lot. It feels like the perfect size for a modern mobile communications device. I like the iPhone 6 Plus a lot too. It feels like the perfect size for a modern mobile computing device. And thanks to iOS 8 improvements like Extensibility, they're not only more powerful than ever, but more capable. Three months later, and I'm happier with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus than ever.

Gameloft is well known for producing high quality mobile games. It's also developing quite a reputation for taking modern console classics and cloning the hell out of them for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.

The visuals have been updated to keep up with modern times. However, the rest of the gameplay remains the same. You can play co-op with a friend to take down the difficult alien bosses in signature Contra style.

Denn das Wichtigste ist den Entwicklern erfreulich gut gelungen: Die Steuerung. Drei Varianten stehen zur Auswahl. Ducken, Gewehr anlegen, Granatwurf, Nachladen und der Waffenwechsel sind bei allen drei Optionen als Button in den Bildschirmecken angeordnet. Nahkampfaktionen und Interaktion mit Levelinventar werden ber einen Kontextbutton ausgelst. Die Unterschiede beziehen sich auf die Bewegung eures Charakters. Einmal knnt ihr mit zwei links und rechts eingeblendeten Joysticks wie mit einem modernen Konsolenpad spielen, was sich in der Praxis als zu trge und nicht griffig genug erweist.

Eine andere Variante blendet nur links einen Stick fr die Bewegung ein, das Umsehen geschieht mittels Fingerstrichen auf dem Bildschirm. Der Feuerknopf wird als groes X eingeblendet. Das X wandert unter eurem Daumen mit, wenn ihr in einen Schusswechsel geratet und die Waffe schwenken msst. Lst ihr den Daumen wieder vom Screen, kehrt das X auf seinen Ausgangspunkt zurck.

Die letzte Variante zeigte sich im Test als Beste und zugleich richtungsweisend fr Ego-Shooter auf dem iPhone. Hier wird kein Stick und auch kein Feuerbutton eingeblendet. Stattdessen ist der Touchscreen in zwei ungleiche Hlften geteilt. Auf der linken, kleineren Hlfte, bewegt ihr den Charakter, mit der rechten, greren Hlfte seht ihr euch um und ndert die Richtung. Durch diese Lsung kommt es nicht wie bei anderen iPhone-Shootern zu pltzlichen Bewegungsstopps, da es hier keinen virtuellen Stick gibt, dessen Eingabefeld ungewollt verlassen wird. Nur Feuern verlangt Konzentration, denn dafr msst ihr einen schnellen Doppeltap ausfhren. Nach wenigen Minuten hat man sich daran gewhnt, dennoch lst sich manchmal unabsichtlich ein Feuersto. Insgesamt ist diese Variante die Intuitivste.

NS: As an analyst supporting the War Gaming Department, can you speak to the evolution of War Gaming as digital games have grown in influence in American culture? Are there any modern games released within the past few years that have influenced the design of War Games?

I am not familiar with specific modern games. I read what I can and work with a lot of people smarter than myself. Whether it is Rules of Play by Salen/Zimmerman, The Art of War Gaming by Perla, Simulating War by Sabin, Reality is Broken by McGonigal or other works, the bar has been set high by those who have preceded us. The Naval War College has included gaming in the curriculum since 1887, and the War Gaming Department grows faculty war gamers internally through an educational process and on the job experience.

NS: What is the ultimate goal of a war game exercise? Specifically, what is the exercise designed to instill in the soldiers and officers who participate? Is it simply an exercise in combat readiness or is it something more?

AARP accepts members who are only 50 years old, and many of its programs refer to what used to be called the "retirement years" as "life in the second half." And increasingly, that's literally true. Because given the trends in modern medicine, health, and nutrition, many of today's 50 year olds really will have another half of their life yet to live. The fact is, Americans are living longer, and there will be many more of us living longer than ever before. The 76 million baby boomers who are now reaching 65, the traditional age of retirement, represent the largest demographic wave in our nation's history. 0852c4b9a8

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