Supporting Question One

How can we undo any damage done in the somewhat forseeable future?

Child labor is a nasty thing, to put it simply. The children there are sent by their families, because they have nothing. They then become nothing, just another brick in the struggling wall. Well, that was the case. Many people, specifically companies who benefit from child labor, have decided to speak up. They’ve said that child labor is morally wrong, and that it must stop. Hershey’s is one of these companies. For a long time, they’ve benefitted from child exploitation. And finally, they’ve realized that this is wrong. In order to help stop child labor, they have a plan. This plan includes the program Hershey’s Cocoa For Good. They plan invest half-billion dollars to eradicate child labor, which will help. Since child labor is rooted in poverty, it means that those who have no money will get funding. This leads to children not needing to be sent to farms and used as free labor. By keeping a steady flow of money, it means that child labor will taper off. Because if the families have no need of money, parents don’t need to send their children away.