Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Workshop
Modern advances in geometric group theory
5–9 September 2022, University of Manchester, UK
Workshop Description
The focus of this workshop is on the study of infinite groups, under a variety of contexts, typically involving a geometric or topological flavour. There is a long history of interaction between groups, geometry, and topology (e.g. Dehn's problems on finitely presented groups) leading up to the present day (e.g. use of the work of Wise and others on cube complexes/groups in Agol's Breakthrough Prize work on 3-manifolds). Lately there have been exciting advances in a range of topics, including homeomorphism groups, mapping class groups, 1-relator groups, right-angled Artin groups, and random groups, to name just a few. The goals of this workshop are to bring experts together to disseminate their work, engage in deep discussions on open problems and new directions, and facilitate further developments.
This workshop is named in memory of Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw (1912–2014), who was a mathematician, Lord Mayor of Manchester, politician, and advisor for government on education. Click here to hear a BBC Great Lives episode or click here for more information on her inspiring and remarkable life.
Jonathan Bowden (University of Regensburg)
Tara Brendle (University of Glasgow)
Richard Webb (University of Manchester)
Henry Wilton (University of Cambridge)
We gratefully acknowledge funding from:-
The Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Trust
SPP 2026 - GEOMETRY AT INFINITY Priority programme of the DFG
Macarena Arenas (University of Cambridge)
Calum Ashcroft (University of Cambridge)
Jim Belk (University of Glasgow)
Alex Evetts (University of Manchester)
Giles Gardam (University of Münster)
Sebastian Hensel (LMU München)
Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford)
Marco Linton (University of Warwick)
Dan Margalit (Georgia Tech)
Jean Pierre Mutanguha (Princeton)
Alina Vdovina (University of Newcastle)
Yvon Verberne (University of Toronto)
Karen Vogtmann (University of Warwick)
Ric Wade (University of Oxford)
We have some funding from the Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Trust and the German Research Foundation (DFG) to support participants.
Registration is now closed.
Questions? Send an email to Richard (dot) Webb (email symbol) manchester (dot) ac (dot) uk