Modeling Toolset

We used Metaedit+ as a modeling tool. You can easily download from the official web page of metacase is shown below.

So we used the MetaEdit+ editor to model according and to check the accuracy of models against manually generated scenarios. In addition to these, we have also developed a XML generator that converts models to bdd scenarios. Before creating graphs the metamodel should be imported into MetaEdit+ editor. You can import metamodel file with the ".mxt" extension easily from the menubar of MetaEdit+. Also you can import the models from this option. The example models will be downloaded from the link below. At the same time, you can create graph examples by yourself. They can be selected in the menu of the MetaEdit+ editor as shown below.

Figure 1: A snapshot from the Metaedit+ based modeling editor for ModelWeb

After selecting a graph by double-clicking, the graph-table example is opened as show in Fig. 2. By pressing the generator icon (FlowChart Generator), a dialog opens which allows practitioners to select the flowchart generator to run.

Figure 2

Figure 2: A snapshot from the modeling editor - the screen that appears upon clicking any graph on the editor shown in Figure 1.

Below is the BDD code generated upon clicking the "Generate-Flowchart" button in Figure 2.