Model Theory Summer School and Workshop 2023 

The Model Theory Summer Workshop is an annual event held during the summer, focused on discussions and research related to model theory. If you are interested in model theory, we encourage you to join the workshop. 


The workshop was successfully held, and we would like to thank all the presenters and participants. 

Date: September 6(Wed) - 8(Fri), 2023.

Place: 筑波大学 総合B棟0110公開講義室(University of Tsukuba, room 0110, Laboratory of Advanced Research B)

Online acces: The workshop allows for online participation. If you wish to participate online, please contact the organizer for the Zoom access URL.

Transportation: つくばエクスプレス線「つくば駅」にて関東鉄道バス「大学循環右回り」のバスに乗り換え、「第一エリア前」バス停下車

Access Map: University official website  or  google maps

Organizers: Kota Takeuchi (email: kota at,   Akito Tsuboi (email: tsuboi  at   math.   tsukuba.  ac.  jp)

Deadline for contributed talk: August 31(Thu), 2023 

Participants wishing to contribute a talk are asked to inform the organizers of a talk title and preferred date.

Registration: Google Forms


Participants (*Speaker):