

The School will take place in BCAM and UPV/EHU. 

The first week will be in the headquarters of the Math Department of UPV/EHU, the room is "Seminar room of the math department" (LAST MINUTE CHANGE!!!)

The second week will take place at the headquarters of BCAM, SEminar Room "Maryam Mirzakhani"

How to arrive

Bilbao International Airport:

The city of Bilbao can be easily reached through its international airport. There are direct connections to several European hubs: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, Geneva, Istanbul, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Rome...

Follow this link for further information about Bilbao airport

Warning: Baggage claim at the airport

Baggage claim has two zones at Bilbao airport: one for flights coming from the Schengen area, and another one for flights from outside this area. The two zones are divided by a glass wall.

You should be careful if you are in the following situation: you departed  a country outside the Schengen area, but you have a connection inside the Schengen area (without checking in your baggage again); for example, a flight US-Madrid-Bilbao. In this case, you will find yourself in the zone for Schengen baggage claim, but your suitcase will be delivered in the other zone. So you have to cross the glass wall to pick up your luggage.

Termibus - Bilbao Central Bus Station

Bilbao is connected by bus with many other Spanish cities. All buses leave from/arrive to Termibus, the Bilbao Central Bus Station, which is situated near the city centre. The ``San Mamés'' station of Bilbao underground is just outside Termibus and can be used to get  to other areas of the city.

External link to Intermodal - Bilbao Central Bus Station

Regular bus service Airport-Bilbao

You can find the bus stop for Bilbao centre to the right when you leave the arrivals area of the airport. Buses run from 6:20 to 00:00 every 20 minutes (:20/:40/:00). The bus number 3247 is displayed on the front of the bus. This bus has four stops in Bilbao: Alameda Recalde, 14; Moyua Plaza; Gran Vía, 74; and Termibus-Bilbao Central Bus Station.


There is a taxi stand in front of the arrivals area of the airport.

How to get to Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno:

To get there from the airport, you can either take a taxi or a bus.

If you decide to take a bus, the bus stop is just on your right when you exit the airport. You can buy a ticket on the bus, but take into consideration that the bus driver accepts euros only (and at most 20 Euro note).

The last stop of the bus is Termibus. From the bus station walk a couple of minutes ( and you will see the underground station. This is how it looks:,-2.948602,3a,75y,302.48h,87.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVXH5NaNCJOZTfedkGMlrWg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=ca

After going down the first escalator, continue straight to another escalator (ignore the station on your left). Once past the ticket gates, take the stairs to your right. 

To go to the residence you need to go to Sarriko station (just two stops away). Once you leave the underground (there is only one exit, you can also use a lift), turn 180 degrees and go down the street about 300 meters: The residence will be on your right.  

How to get to BCAM:

Bcam building is located at the center of Bilbao. Its address is 

Alameda de Mazarredo 14, 48009, Bilbao

and the closest metro station is Moyua, although it is at a walking distance from most places at the city.

How to get to the UPV/EHU Leioa campus: