Our Plans

We are going to UC Berkeley's Model UN Conference in March!

For our CAWE, we are going to travel to UC Berkeley and participate in their Model UN conference with other high schools from around the world.

In this process, each student will research topic for a committee, learn about the topic from the perspective of their assigned country, and then complete two research papers explaining their position.

At the conference, they will give speeches, debate, and create resolutions with other country representatives to try to answer and examine these global issues.

Following this, we will do a bit of sightseeing in the bay area.

Our expenses are predicted to be around $7000 for our 10 person team and include: lodging, transportation, food, sightseeing and conference fees, and those for two chaperons. We are keeping it on the cheap as much as we can: taking buses, staying at the Travelodge (free breakfast!), and getting our public transportation passes. We can do our minimum trip with $5000, but are hoping to tour and volunteer in the Bay Area, following the conference.

Fundraising goes to all aspects of this and no student is asked to pay individually for activities. Instead, we will adjust down our plans to meet the money we earn (although we are working hard to avoid this)! First scenario is we attend the conference and do a day and a half of sightseeing. Second scenario, we cut out the sight seeing and come home earlier. Third and worst, we stay in Redlands and do our own conference - we are working hard to avoid this, but we do need your help!

Click here to learn more about Model UN, in general.

Click here to learn about UC Berkeley MUN.

And, to learn more about Grove Model UN, come to our meetings on Mondays in the lab at lunch!

What exactly is CAWE, you say? Each year the Grove School has students team up to plan, organize, budget, fundraise, and adjust plans for a week-long educational program that is student driven. Students set academic goals under the advisement of a teacher. They then learn life skills like teamwork, project design, trip planning, budgeting, and adjusting after successes and failures during the planning and fundraising process. We call this winterim at the middle school level, and Creative Academic Weeklong Experience (CAWE). Both vary to meet the needs of the age group, and are part of the Grove School Key Experience program. A showcase of the things different groups at our school (including ours!) are doing will be held on Friday, March 13 from 2-4pm on the Grove School farm campus at Heritage Park in Redlands.

To learn more about the Grove School and the winterim/CAWE program, click here.

To donate now, click here.

To learn about other ways that we are working to fundraise, check out our calendar.