Hi all, Im try to set up a Yokagawa GX20 chart recorder to read and write to ignition through modbus TCP. I have no experience with modbus or these chart recorders. I can get ignition to connect to the chart recorders but I can not get any tags to link up. Actually I did but somewhere I changed a setting in either the chart recorder or ignition and now all I get is a a ? mark on the tags.These chart recorders can be setup as either the client/master or server/slave. I am a little confused on the whole client/server master/slave setup but what I understand is that ignition is the client and the chart recorder is the server. Am I correct? I downloaded a modbus scanner onto the ignition server and it pulled all values in that I am looking for so I know i can reach the recorder. Any help is much appreciated.

I have made some tags but they are not connecting. There are 5 int32 tags and i am looking at gathering 300001 through 300010. I have tried addressing them in ignition a couple of different ways start 1 end 10, step is checked, input register(int32), address 1and a couple of different combinations but when i bring the tags in they are dispaying null values but when i run the modbus scanner they do have actual values in them. tags are green with ?marks on them.

Modbus Tcp Scanner Software Free Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y7Zbi 🔥

In some cases it is needed to monitor the whole data flow through a port. It can be to troubleshoot, test, etc. It is rather convenient and efficient to do with a special Modbus scanner software - a good example will be Serial Port Monitor developed by Electronic Team, Inc. You can download the software from developer's official website and start a monitoring session. Look for Modbus RTU and ASCII data that you can scan and filter.

I had the error -389120 on the port I used, 502, and I changed it by 10001 as specified in the manufacturer's documentation and now I have the "famous" error 56 (timeout), regardless of the address (it is written that the modbus address should always be set to 1 in the modbus tcp part so I think it should be 0x01... but no matter what address I put, I get the same error).

I have an arduino UNO and I want to connect it with a power analyzer. The ouput of the power analyzer is RS485 (modbus protocol). Especially the power analyzer is the Merlin Gerin PM9C.

I have the Modbus register list of the power analyzer and I want to read some of these registers.

Has anybody help me about the program?


Im having trouble sending modbus command over TCP from my arduino. Can anyone assist me please! I am not using the Modbus library but rather trying to send the bytes array as char's. I am new to Modbus and not sure how to trouble shoot. Thanks

The explosion-proof ProtEX-MS2 and ProtEX-MFI Super Snoopers are serial input RS-485 Modbus RTU scanners. These Modbus devices are ideal for hazardous areas or safe areas in need of a rugged solution. The ProtEX-MS2 has a two-line decimal display. The ProtEX-MFI top line displays level in feet and inches up to 399 ft, 11 and 15/16 inches. It includes a 20 segment tank level indicator.

Standard features include SafeTouch through-glass buttons for operating the scanner without removing the cover, a backlight that makes the display mode visible in any lighting condition, 511 points of input data logging, and two open collector pulse or alarm outputs. A 4-20 mA output is available as an option.

I am using your DaqFactory trial version to see if this would work for me. I need to communicate to 7 Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP devices that are connected to a local network. I was able to use your modbus scanner to read one of the device. How do you setup the DaqFactory to read multiple devices with different IP address using Modbus TCP/IP?

The modbus scanner (quickmod or quickmod pro) are only setup to read from one device. If you want to read from multiple devices that are on different IPs then you need to create a DAQFactory device for each. The directions for setting up a device are described in the help under the serial/ethernet section (towards the back). You basically just repeat for each of your devices, specifying a different IP and giving each device a different name. Then, when you go to the channel table, you'll see that each of your new devices is listed under Device.

Great information on getting the Modbus data into Node-Red. In my case, when I used a Modbus scanner like CAS Modbus Scanner, I got the following:

CAS Modbus1335343 52.1 KB

which correctly showed the value I was after (1143).

However, when I read the same data in Node-RED using the method outlined above, I got the following:

Serial output in NR1479479 53.4 KB

I have since learned that (for my particular device, which is an atmosphere controller) Node-Red is outputting as 16 bit registers, but the debug is showing each byte as decimal. So the first number has ms byte 4 and ls byte 119, which is 4*256 + 119 = 1143 which is exactly what was expected. This node will help do the conversion.

Returning to the subject of modbus serial with Node-RED using a USB-to-RS485 adapter plugged into the Rio (or EPIC), we have been successful in getting modbus data using node-red-contrib-serial-modbus

#1: you are outputting the message from the second output (whereas I am outputting from the first output) of the modbus read node

#2: our serial port paths are different. Yours is /dev/ttyUSB0 and mine is /dev/ttySer0.

image755865 38.3 KB

Thanks Ben. I knew to look to the Manage Palette menu, but the remove option was not there. I eventually got the remove button to appear by manually disabling in the menu shown in the second screenshot. All is good now and the node-red-contrib-modbus node is working its Modbus Magic.

image704741 18.4 KB

Can you give us a little more information about what you are looking to do?

There is no script as I recall. Just a modbus node and a debug node.

Since you are getting a timeout error, your device address etc sound wrong, ie it cant access the modbus device.

Are you using serial or TCP?

I am using node-red in a groov RIO, I use a modbus reading node, I manage to read the value I want, but the refresh time is not stable, sometimes it takes a long time to read. these are the messages when starting the flow.

Your write node is configured to write to 40006. Are you sure this is correct? Seems like just 6 would do the job based on your read node. If you have the debug nodes for the write display the full msg object you will probably see modbus error code 2 in there somewhere for invalid address.

Looks like the pump is not answering on modbus calls. Can you test with the free modbus scanner and see if it can connect?

CAS Modbus Scanner - A free tool for communicating with Modbus devices (freemodbus.com)

Restart the S1255 maybe after activating modbus. Latest version of firmware on the pump?

Assign a fixed or reserved ip-number to the pump also just to be sure, even though you can see the active ip on the pump.

Im currently getting started setting up my Nibe S320/F2120-8 combination using modbus in HA.

I can already read some basic data like temperatures outside, flow, water, etc. but Im currently struggling getting data about engergy consumption.

The display panel directly on the device is able to show it nicely like this:

image776494 28.3 KB

So I would like to get the data in HA - my modbus-all export csv shows a few in kWh unit but it seems these are not directly read but calculated by the unit?

I am trying to connect to multiple (20) separate devices using Modbus TCP. Since it is beforehand not known what the modbusaddresses are (devices are changed regularly), I want to implement a modbus address scanner. Usually, the addresses are consecutive. So for example [80,81,82,83,...].

I have had someone else looking at the traffic, they too say the response from my device is correct, and they mentioned something about 16bit modbus. Can the modbus implementation in polyscope detect and switch between 8bit and 16bit?

Could you post log with traffic on port 502 from wireshark? It would be extremely helpful to see what simulator is actually receiving.

I also recommend you to update to latest simulator 3.4.5. By default controller is sending all requests to devices in parallel, and since 3.4.3 there is sequential mode option that better adheres to modbus specification, and is helpful when communicating with slower devices.

I have created the tags on the flexy and I have their modbus address. I need to comunicate with them. Because I will make a presentation to my client. He will just take the flexy and install in his network. But for now I just need to show him that the flexy is polling data from a modbus network.

I need to have my CodeSys runtime act as both an EIP Scanner and a ModBus scanner. Can these run on the same Ethernet adapter, or do I need to have two different Ethernet adapters in my project? Do I need to have separate hardware Ethernet adapters?

All the tutorials I've found for setting up the EIP Scanner appear to be outdated (I'm using 3.5.16). In the tutorials, the IP address of the EIP scanner has to be set up in the EIP configuration, but in my CodeSys, there's no place to do this -- the only place I can set up the "scanner" IP is in the Ethernet adapter above the EIP Scanner. The same appears to be true for my ModBus.

I think you have an issue with you line driving RE and DE because you set the D3 line high to transmit, then you issue a modbus function 3 (read holding registers). After this you check if the request was a success and after this you set the D3 line low and you read the response from the library buffer from the node. The issues stands that a modbus transaction includes the master querying the slave and the slave responding which seems to be taken care of by the node.readHoldingRegisters() fucntion therefore the master releasing the RS485 bus should happen within this fucntion not after it.

What I guess its the problem, its that the modbus library you used is intended for RS232 as the physical layer therefore you might have to modify the library so the RS485 bus is released as soon as the master completely finishes sending the queryHope this helps 006ab0faaa

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