Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics

                                                                                                                                                                           20th edition

What is the Modave Summer School ?

The Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics is a summer school organised by and aimed at Ph.D. students. The school provides blackboard lectures given by young researchers. The lectures cover core subjects that contribute to the backbone knowledge of the participants working in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics, which includes topics in General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory and String Theory.

This year marks the 20th edition of the school! As for the previous years, the ULB, VUB, KUL, UGENT and UMONS will join their forces to propose a unique scientific and human experience in the heart of the Belgian countryside.

Practical information

Modave  is a charming Belgian village near Huy in the natural region of Condroz. The school takes place at the centre Les Cent Fontaines, which offers a nice sanctum for physics, mathematics and many other activities.

The school takes place from the 25th to the 31th of August 2024. Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday the 25th of August in the afternoon. A welcome drink is organised upon arrival, followed by a dinner. The lectures are given from Monday morning to Friday afternoon and social activities are organised throughout the week. Finally, departure is organized either on Friday the 30th in the evening or on Saturday the 31th in the morning.

The easiest way to reach Modave is by train. The closest train station is located at Huy and a shuttle service from and to this train station will be arranged for all the participants. More information can be found on the Belgian National Railroad Company (SNCB/NMBS) website. Also, the organising committee remains available at all time to discuss practical details.

Organizing committee

Dongming  He (VUB)

Ludovico Machet (KUL)

Francesca Mariani (UGENT)

Léa Mele (UMONS)

Louan Mol (ULB)

Noémie Parrini (UMONS)

For any further information, please contact us at
