
Letter to our Membership

Dear Current or prospective Montgomery County Arts Council (MCAC) Member

MCAC board wishes to say Thank You for your ongoing membership and support. 2021 proved to be a year filled with new programs and events that impacted our county and community due to the generous support of MCAC members and the county at large.

MCAC activities in 2021 included:

· Art in the Park

· Yearlong children’s classes and events

· Adult classes and programs

· Art Scholarships

· Guest artist event

· Photography show

· Book Signing

Improvements, with the help and cooperation of the city of Montgomery, were made to the interior and exterior of our building. We expanded programming to Middletown and Rhineland.

2022 plans include all of the above plus much more.

We have very little overhead, so all of the dues collected are returned to the community via our various projects, activities and events. Membership dues of $36.00 a year help pay for many of the above activities. Please send your payment to MCAC, 123 Third St, Montgomery City, MO 63361. As a bonus, membership includes 10 greeting cards with your own personal image or message. Please contact Membership Committee member (see below) to discuss details.

Donations above the basic membership are always welcome and much appreciated. This generosity is publicly recognized, if desired.

Thank you, in advance, for renewing your existing membership or starting a new membership and for any donation you might choose to make. The Montgomery County Arts Council is very grateful for your support.

Rachel Vincent



Pat Moore-Rustige



Benefits for MCAC Members--members may host art classes and demonstrations and display items for sale on commission. Members help with the mission to promote access to the arts for citizens of Montgomery County. Volunteer opportunities are always available and welcome.

MCAC is an all volunteer, not for profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting creativity and providing access to the arts in Montgomery County.