Participant Policies

MoCAT strives to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all, and we are committed to fostering a community of respect, inclusivity, and collegiality. In particular, we ask that participants in our events and members of our Discord follow the guidelines below:

Conduct Policy

The study of mathematics is challenging, often emotionally as well as intellectually; and even mildly non-collegial behavior can have highly detrimental effects on others. In most situations, simple common sense and good judgment should suffice as guidance, but we appreciate that some questions of appropriate behavior can be more complex and subtle.

Here are some ways you can help foster community at MoCAT:

  • Reach out to people you do not know and actively build new connections;

  • Understand and respect that different people may bring differences in experiences, background, and expertise;

  • Welcome diversity and encourage diverse opinions;

  • Respect the privacy of others, especially when they make themselves vulnerable. We can keep what we've learned from shared personal experiences and stories, but please leave out any identifying information.

  • Avoid demeaning others or aggressively challenging their competence or mathematical abilities;

  • Refrain from promoting bias and stereotypes about race, nationality, religion, gender and sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics;

  • Understand that behavior can have an adverse impact on others, even in the absence of malicious intent by the actor.

This is based in large part on the MSRI Collegiality Statement.

Virtual Event Policy

MoCAT events are positive and welcoming environments in which individuals can share their experiences and make themselves vulnerable in order to learn and grow. In particular, participants should respect the privacy of others. Please refrain from privately recording meetings or events, even if they are being live-streamed.

Here are a few other good online meeting practices that you should follow:

  • Be on time.

  • Mute your mic when you are not speaking or asking a question.

  • Identify yourself before asking a question.

  • If you are able to, turn on your webcam.

  • Your background should be undistracting and work-appropriate.

  • Be present in the conversation, and avoid multi-tasking.

Conflict Policy

It is the responsibility of the MoCAT organizers to deal with unprofessional and non-collegial behavior from participants. Discriminatory, harassing, or bullying behavior will not be tolerated. If you think you have experienced or witnessed such behavior, or if you do not feel comfortable with the way you are being treated, we urge you to contact the MoCAT organizers at

Participants found to be responsible for unprofessional or non-collegial behavior will be barred from participating in the MoCAT Discord, and, in severe cases, may be completely barred from all MoCAT activities.