and this page presents my work with women in science.


Selected work

The MCFA (Marie Curie Fellows Association m-WiSET group (where I was co-chair) is archived here

In the MCAA GEDI (formerly GEMS) I am member in the task force projects.


Working group member WG2 "Memory and identity" of the

COST action CA19112 "Women on the move"  

It includes Conference participation (see below)

Working group member WG1 "Employment, career development, and mobilities" WG2 "Leadership & Decision-making" and WG3 "Gender as a research dimension" of the

COST action CA20137  "Making Young Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES)" 

Management committee observer and WG3 "Women and climate change" member from the Marie Curie Fellows Association in

COST targeted policy action TA1201 (2012-2016) „Gender, Science, Technology and Environment (genderSTE)“ 

Some of the findings are documented on Gender portal 

It included Conference participation (see below)

Working group member WG4 COST action Firelinks mapped in the map of "women and fire"

Architects stamp (Bucharest chamber of architects) project

Virginia Andreescu Haret architecture tour 

Mobility project from UEFISCDI to participate in the final MOMOWO conference in Turin, see publications and conference participation

Present in the Horizon Results Platform

Protecting and promoting the work of women in architecture 

Now doing the Horizon Results Booster - just closed dissemination A and starting dissemination B.

Submitted project

Documentation of submitted "Gendering" in 2015 . The project, when I was in the MCFA team, achieved reserve status and was resubmitted one year after, when I was leading the MCFA group.

Completed the role model profile and profile in two of the ebooks as well as the session for the 

Humboldt networking project

A short stay in frame of the Humboldt Research Alumni Initiative at KIT related to the Vasile Pârvan fellowship and coupled with a teaching contract was won 2015 but could not be completed due to illness reasons.

October 2020 submission of an ERASMUS+ project



Participation to Researcher Night 2020 Hungary with the association Women in science association (NaTE) here 

Forthcoming: presentation of the exhibition in cooperation MCAA (Marie Curie Alumni Association) Italy chapter and GEDI (Gender, Diversity, Inclusion)

Organisation of conference sessions

Eurodoc conferences

Eurodoc conference in Budapest 25-27 March 2014

Women in science 

Eurodoc conference in Cluj-Napoca, April 2015. 

This is where the idea of the project Gendering was born.

Session with Carole Chapin

EuroScience Open Forum

EuroScience Open Forum in Copenhagen, Danmark, June 2014

„New concepts of mobility to foster career development and gender balance in Europe“ 

From this a publication in Nature emerged.

European Geosciences Union General Assembly

Conference session 28 April 2017

Women in geosciences 

This served also the Humboldt project of Ira Didenkulova

Conference participation

EuroScience Open Forum

Invited as speaker in Manchester, July 2016

Leading by example? The mobility of women in science 

EU presidency conferences

EU presidency conference in Budapest speaker in 28-29 June 2011

Sharing the experience of mobility of a Marie Curie researcher 

EU presidency conference poster at the  international conference “Structural Change Promoting Gender Equality in Research Organisations” on November 21-22 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania

Role Models for Mobility: Portraits of Women from the Marie Curie Fellows Association presented by Eleni Chatzichristou 

COST genderSTE conference participation

Participation with oral presentation "From pioneer women architects/mecenes to contemporary women architects in Romania and Germany – lessons for policy on the role of women in the West and the East "

2nd Engendering International Conference. 25-26 September 2014. Rome, Italy 

Submission on the findings "Research ques�ons of gender in climate change "

Engendering Habitat III, 5-6 October 2016, Madrid, Spain 

COST WeMOV conference participation

Mobility project conference

Conferences from the Vasile Pârvan postdoctoral fellowship

to be added, see the researchGate page

Other conferences

The ever first conference in the field, where I was invited when I was advisory board member at the Marie Curie Fellows Association

Colloquium of ASPERT Femmes et Sciences, 9-10 January 2004 

Conference attended in the field, 15 October 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany: where I graduated, first women were admitted to study

100 years of women at German technical universities 

Conference Femei fără frontiere: Omagiu adus Martei Bibescu, 2-3 october 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

with Marina Mihaila: Femei architect - mobilizare, globalizare   

"Pioneer Women Architects - Lessons For Policy; Mapping The Role Of Women In Architecture In The West And The East " at Re[Search] through Architecture, ICAR 2015 , Bucharest, Romania, 26-29 March 2015

with Magdalini Theodoridou, MIkiko Hayashi and Mirela Adriana Anghelache: Networking of mobile researchers: Marie Curie fellows in the built environment at 17th research conference on constructions, economy of buildings, architecture, urban and territorial development , 28 August 2020, Bucharest, Romania, abstract published in the volume here 


Maria Bostenaru Dan1, Mirela Adriana Anghelache2, Roxana Mihaly3, Cerasella Craciun1, Adrian Ibric1

1“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Romania; 2 Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy, Romania; 3″Gheorghe Şincai” Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities

Plenary Session #6 - Session 8: Geoscience education and societal awareness on climate change and other hazards. Geoheritage and humanitarian geophysics - 7th of October 2022 11:10-12:10 


Publication of the profile in e-books (one of the MCFA, one of the MCAA)

2 articles in Review of European Studies:

Publication in the MoMoWo volume

Publications from the Vasile Pârvan postdoctoral fellowship, see the ResearchGate page

review of the Gender session 2019 at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in the Geopatterns journal

DOI https://doi.org/10.5719/GeoP.6/6 


Maria Bostenaru Dan, Mirela Adriana Anghelache, Roxana Mihaly, Cerasella Craciun, Adrian Ibric, p. 114

In: Chitea, Florina, Munteanu, Ioan, Matenco, Liviu, Dinescu, Raluca, Stanciu, Irina (eds.): ILP & Geoscience 2022 Book of Abstracts, ISBN e-book.pdf – 978-606-537-578-9, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgoviște, 2022

Name of presentation

Name of project

Name of video

Name of presentation

Name of project

Name of video


Get in touch at Maria.Bostenaru-Dan@alumni.uni-karlsruhe.de