The aim of the Mobile Behavioral Biometrics Competition (MobileB2C)  - Ongoing is benchmarking mobile authentication systems based on behavioral biometric traits transparently acquired by mobile devices during ordinary Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), using a novel public database and a standard experimental protocol.

It is based on the competition held within the International Joint Conference of Biometrics (IJCB) 2022.

The competition is divided into four Tasks related to corresponding touch gestures:

Task 1: Keystroke

Task 2: Text Reading (Vertical Swiping)

Task 3: Gallery Swiping (Horizontal Swiping)

Task 4: Tapping

In addition, background sensor data (accelerometer, gravity sensor, gyroscope, lin. accelerometer, magnetometer) are available in all Tasks. Participants can freely decide which Task(s) to approach and which one(s) of the biometric modalities available to exploit, according to their expertise. 

Each Task considers both “random” (different users with different devices) and “skilled” (different users on the same device) impostor scenarios. The difference consists in the authentication technology being able to differentiate between the notion of “device” and “user”. In the first case, as for the data collection each user typically uses their own device, the learned features could in fact be partially pertaining to the device rather than the user.

This competition will provide a complete panorama of the state of the art in the field of user authentication based on mobile behavioral biometrics.