Recording of mobile phones with shot-sequence


a) First of all we give guidelines to the students of what we want, song in Catalan, with a clear leitmotif etc and the students choose song.

We did a braimstorming with the songs that could be appropriate for the theme: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY on March 8th. We wanted to treat and criticize sexist stereotypes

One of the songs was: "Ain't your mama" by Jennifer Lopez

And the other a special song about masculinity that was chosen by 2nB

b) In this first part of the planning we decided to distribute the song in the different groups.

Then we distribute the different stanzas and the students are awarded. Students decide how they will stage the scene and what material they will need.


It is very important that there is good lighting, if possible with the focus of a professional photographer .... (surely some parents of some students are photographers and come to help you ....)

We started filming the videos, first trying to make chroma and then we decided to move to a neutral white background. There was a student filming and some were acting as assistants ... Some were watching. But everyone had to film their scene.

3- record THE MOBDUp

After recording the video they passed it to each of their mobiles and we started the shot-sequence to record the mobdup.

We turned off the lights so they wouldn’t be reflected on the screens. We removed the audio from the tablets.

We put the tablets on top of the tables with the route we want to take, and let’s get started!

Then you still had to edit the video in case there was any sync error

4.- El resultado