Moritz Hengel

Hi ! 

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Economics at SciencesPo and INA's Research Department in Paris currently visiting the Government Department at Harvard

My research examines how information is consumed by citizens and produced by the media. I am particularly interested in the political economy of social media and populism. For an overview of my research, have a look here.

I am most fortunate to be supervised by both Julia Cagé (Sciences Po) and Nicolas Hervé (INA) on questions  of  economics,  computer sciences and life in general. I am equally proud to benefit from Emeric Henry and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya on my thesis committee. 

Before entering the PhD,  I graduated from PSE's APE master and LSE's MSc Economics.  From a more distant past, I  hold a BA in International Relations from TU Dresden.

I am very grateful for the generous support of the Paris region PhD programme.

You can reach me under moritz[.]hengel[at]sciencespo[.]fr (en/fr/de).