ITU-T Recommendations
Recommendation Y.3052 (Overview of trust provisioning in ICT infrastructures and services), 2017.03
Recommendation Y.3022 (Measuring energy in networks), 2014.08
Recommendation Y.2064 (Energy saving using smart objects in home networks), 2014.01
Recommendation Y.3043 (Smart ubiquitous networks – Context awareness framework), 2013.08
Recommendation Y.3041 (Smart ubiquitous networks – Overview), 2013.04
Recommendation Y.2055 (Framework of object mapping using IPv6 in next generation networks), 2011.03
Recommendation Y.2019 (Content delivery functional architecture in NGN), 2010.09
Recommendation Y.2017 (Multicast functions in next generation networks), 2009.09
Recommendation Y.2807 (MPLS-based mobility capabilities in NGN), 2009.01
Recommendation Y.2113 (Ethernet QoS control for next generation networks), 2009.01
Recommendation Y.2054 (Framework to support signalling for IPv6-based NGN), 2008.02
ITU-T Technical Reports/Papers
ITU-T Technical Report, Trust provisioning for future ICT infrastructures and services, 2016.04
ITU-T Technical Paper, Future social media and knowledge society, 2015.11
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group Proceedings, 2008