Free Assessment Tools
AAC Skills, Feature Matching, Outcome Measures, Quality Guidelines & Individualization
AAC Skills
AAC Skills
Description: A team-based assessment process is required to determine the appropriate tools which best match the needs of individuals with communication challenges. This module provides users with information about the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) assessment process for adults with developmental disabilities (DD), the variety of communication supports, and the selection criteria for communication devices and apps.
Description: A team-based assessment process is required to determine the appropriate tools which best match the needs of individuals with communication challenges. This module provides users with information about the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) assessment process for adults with developmental disabilities (DD), the variety of communication supports, and the selection criteria for communication devices and apps.
Focus: AAC Skills
Focus: AAC Skills
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Rating Scale, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Rating Scale, Observation
Format: Web-based Learning Module
Format: Web-based Learning Module
Population: Adults with DD
Population: Adults with DD
Author: Lori Tufte
Author: Lori Tufte
Description: This observation rubric is intended for use at the end of an AAC assessment or therapy session. Rating for basic AAC skills at an Emergent, Developing or Proficient Level.
Description: This observation rubric is intended for use at the end of an AAC assessment or therapy session. Rating for basic AAC skills at an Emergent, Developing or Proficient Level.
Focus: AAC Skills
Focus: AAC Skills
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Rating Scale, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Rating Scale, Observation
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: Vicki Clarke, MS CCC-SLP
Author: Vicki Clarke, MS CCC-SLP
Description: This tool provides instructions for assessing on-screen cause & effect, targeting, picture discrimination, choice-making, noun symbol use for commenting, core word use, multi-symbol use and many more. A prompting hierarchy assists with performance analysis
Description: This tool provides instructions for assessing on-screen cause & effect, targeting, picture discrimination, choice-making, noun symbol use for commenting, core word use, multi-symbol use and many more. A prompting hierarchy assists with performance analysis
Focus: AAC Skills: Early Skills
Focus: AAC Skills: Early Skills
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Direct Assessment
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Direct Assessment
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF
Population: School Age
Population: School Age
Author: Garrett & Lasker (2005)
Author: Garrett & Lasker (2005)
Description: This checklist helps the SLP identify appropriate AAC strategies to teach based on the type of aphasia experienced by the individual. Both skills and challenges are considered.
Description: This checklist helps the SLP identify appropriate AAC strategies to teach based on the type of aphasia experienced by the individual. Both skills and challenges are considered.
Focus: AAC Skills: Skills & Challenges
Focus: AAC Skills: Skills & Challenges
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Rating Scale, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Rating Scale, Observation
Format: Downloadable Fillable Checklist
Format: Downloadable Fillable Checklist
Population: Adults with Aphasia
Population: Adults with Aphasia
Author: Hidecker et al. (2011)
Author: Hidecker et al. (2011)
Description: Classification system for every day communication performance of individuals of any disability into one of 5 levels by ordinal scale. Originally developed for use with individuals with cerebral palsy, the CFCS focus is on being able to participate. Specific AAC skills of focus includes ability to communicate with familiar and unfamiliar listeners, pace of communication, conversational turn-taking, and intelligibility.
Description: Classification system for every day communication performance of individuals of any disability into one of 5 levels by ordinal scale. Originally developed for use with individuals with cerebral palsy, the CFCS focus is on being able to participate. Specific AAC skills of focus includes ability to communicate with familiar and unfamiliar listeners, pace of communication, conversational turn-taking, and intelligibility.
Focus: AAC Skills: Communication Effectiveness
Focus: AAC Skills: Communication Effectiveness
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Caregiver, Professional, Self Report: Rating Scale
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Caregiver, Professional, Self Report: Rating Scale
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: Individuals with any disability
Population: Individuals with any disability
Author: Charity Rowland, Ph.D, Melanie Fried-Oken, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Sandra Steiner, MA CCC-SLP
Author: Charity Rowland, Ph.D, Melanie Fried-Oken, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Sandra Steiner, MA CCC-SLP
Description: This tool is "designed to make goal writing easier for teachers and speech-language pathologists who work with students who rely on AAC to communicate effectively. It is a guide to organize the impact of a student’s communication strengths and limitations on participation at school and at home and to plan for IEP meetings by prioritizing areas that should be targeted. This tool uses the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children & Youth Version used by the World Health Organization.
Description: This tool is "designed to make goal writing easier for teachers and speech-language pathologists who work with students who rely on AAC to communicate effectively. It is a guide to organize the impact of a student’s communication strengths and limitations on participation at school and at home and to plan for IEP meetings by prioritizing areas that should be targeted. This tool uses the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children & Youth Version used by the World Health Organization.
Focus: AAC Skills
Focus: AAC Skills
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Rating Scale
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Rating Scale
Format: On-line entry or Downloadable PDF
Format: On-line entry or Downloadable PDF
Population: Students using AAC
Population: Students using AAC
Author: Patricia Dowden, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Janice Light, Ph.D.
Author: Patricia Dowden, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Janice Light, Ph.D.
Description: Descriptive form for caregiver to fill out to gather functional, routines based information to customize a child's communication system. Routines based caregiver inventory for customizing child's SGD
Description: Descriptive form for caregiver to fill out to gather functional, routines based information to customize a child's communication system. Routines based caregiver inventory for customizing child's SGD
Focus: AAC Skills: Communication Competence
Focus: AAC Skills: Communication Competence
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Checklist
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Checklist
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF/App with Rating Scales
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF/App with Rating Scales
Population: All ages
Population: All ages
Author: Vicki Clarke, MS CCC-SLP
Author: Vicki Clarke, MS CCC-SLP
Description: Dynamic Therapy Associates provides an AAC skills assessment protocol. This form collects your information about a wide range of AAC related skills gathered from observation and results from TASP, AAC Genie App and Dowden's Ability Level Continuum.
Description: Dynamic Therapy Associates provides an AAC skills assessment protocol. This form collects your information about a wide range of AAC related skills gathered from observation and results from TASP, AAC Genie App and Dowden's Ability Level Continuum.
AAC Skills: Protocol, Feature Matching
AAC Skills: Protocol, Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Interview, Checklist,Direct Assessment, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Interview, Checklist,Direct Assessment, Observation
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF of Protocol
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF of Protocol
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: University College London (UCL)
Author: University College London (UCL)
Description: The eyePoint scale is a systematic tool to support professionals and families in describing looking behaviors related to eye-pointing in non-speaking children with cerebral palsy affecting their whole body. The eyePoint scale describes looking behaviors in five levels (I-Uses eye pointing, II-Shifts Gaze to Face, III-Fixes, Disengages & Shifts Gaze, IV-Fixes Gaze, V-Other Behaviors
Description: The eyePoint scale is a systematic tool to support professionals and families in describing looking behaviors related to eye-pointing in non-speaking children with cerebral palsy affecting their whole body. The eyePoint scale describes looking behaviors in five levels (I-Uses eye pointing, II-Shifts Gaze to Face, III-Fixes, Disengages & Shifts Gaze, IV-Fixes Gaze, V-Other Behaviors
Focus: AAC Skills: Eye Gaze
Focus: AAC Skills: Eye Gaze
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Caregiver, Professional, Self Report: Rating Scale
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Caregiver, Professional, Self Report: Rating Scale
Format: Downloadable Classification Scale
Format: Downloadable Classification Scale
Population: Non-Speaking Children with Cerebral Palsy
Population: Non-Speaking Children with Cerebral Palsy
Author: Patricia Dowden, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Author: Patricia Dowden, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Description: The I-ASCC is a non-standardized clinical measure to determine single-word speech comprehensibility in children (Dowden, 1997). Children are shown picture stimuli and their answers are recorded. Familiar and unfamiliar communication partners then listen to the recorded samples with unknown and known contexts. The I-ASCC can be used to help teams resolve conflicts about need for AAC and to develop effective speech-supplementation strategies for students who speak. Jill Senner & Matthew Baud provide the link to resources about how to use this tool.
Description: The I-ASCC is a non-standardized clinical measure to determine single-word speech comprehensibility in children (Dowden, 1997). Children are shown picture stimuli and their answers are recorded. Familiar and unfamiliar communication partners then listen to the recorded samples with unknown and known contexts. The I-ASCC can be used to help teams resolve conflicts about need for AAC and to develop effective speech-supplementation strategies for students who speak. Jill Senner & Matthew Baud provide the link to resources about how to use this tool.
Focus: AAC Skills: Clarification Strategies
Focus: AAC Skills: Clarification Strategies
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Direct Assessment
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Direct Assessment
Format: Downloadable PDF & Doc
Format: Downloadable PDF & Doc
Population: Children & Youth
Population: Children & Youth
Author: Patricia Politano, Ph.D., MA CCC-SLP/L, ATP
Author: Patricia Politano, Ph.D., MA CCC-SLP/L, ATP
Description: The Inventory of Functional Communication (IFC ) was created to help record the communication skills of adults with developmental disabilities and to guide professionals in the development of functional communication programs. It is based on the understanding that the purpose of functional communication programs is to provide ways to increase who the individual can communicate with, situations within which they can communicate and increase what they can communicate abouInventory of communication including: independent communication levels, communication dictionary, messages communicated, and communicative competence.
Description: The Inventory of Functional Communication (IFC ) was created to help record the communication skills of adults with developmental disabilities and to guide professionals in the development of functional communication programs. It is based on the understanding that the purpose of functional communication programs is to provide ways to increase who the individual can communicate with, situations within which they can communicate and increase what they can communicate abouInventory of communication including: independent communication levels, communication dictionary, messages communicated, and communicative competence.
Focus: AAC Skills: Protocol, Communication Effectiveness
Focus: AAC Skills: Protocol, Communication Effectiveness
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Interview, Checklist, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Interview, Checklist, Observation
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: Adults with Aphasia
Population: Adults with Aphasia
Author: Ace Center
Author: Ace Center
Description: This profile should be used with individuals who have used AAC in the past, are currently using AAC, or when individuals are ready to move from informal to formal AAC methods. Includes a summary sheet for progress monitoring.
Description: This profile should be used with individuals who have used AAC in the past, are currently using AAC, or when individuals are ready to move from informal to formal AAC methods. Includes a summary sheet for progress monitoring.
Focus: AAC Skills: Pragmatics
Focus: AAC Skills: Pragmatics
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Caregiver Interview
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Caregiver Interview
Format: Downloadable Fillable Doc
Format: Downloadable Fillable Doc
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: Jill Senner, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Matthew Baud, MS CCC-SLP
Author: Jill Senner, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Matthew Baud, MS CCC-SLP
Description: This language sampling form has been designed for collecting data on expressive language use in individuals using AAC and other modes of communication. By signing up with TALC, you'll gain free access to many great tools. You are sent a passcode to access the Free Resources section. This tool is listed in the Evaluation Resources for Clinicians.
Description: This language sampling form has been designed for collecting data on expressive language use in individuals using AAC and other modes of communication. By signing up with TALC, you'll gain free access to many great tools. You are sent a passcode to access the Free Resources section. This tool is listed in the Evaluation Resources for Clinicians.
Focus: AAC Skills: Expressive Language
Focus: AAC Skills: Expressive Language
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Language Sampling
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Language Sampling
Format: Downloadable Doc
Format: Downloadable Doc
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: PRC-Saltillo
Author: PRC-Saltillo
Description: This form provides easy data collection to support the medical need for funding and SGD. It includes sample communication functions, environments, and partners.
Description: This form provides easy data collection to support the medical need for funding and SGD. It includes sample communication functions, environments, and partners.
Focus: Assessment
Focus: Assessment
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Language Sampling
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Language Sampling
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF
Format: Downloadable Fillable PDF
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Feature Matching
Feature Matching
Author: Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center (OUHSC)
Author: Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center (OUHSC)
Description: Feature matching checklist to compare/contrast up to 3 different AAC devices that can be matched to AAC User needs
Description: Feature matching checklist to compare/contrast up to 3 different AAC devices that can be matched to AAC User needs
Focus: Feature Matching
Focus: Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Checklist
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Checklist
Format: Downloadable Docx
Format: Downloadable Docx
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: Jill Senner, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Matthew Baud, MS CCC-SLP
Author: Jill Senner, Ph.D. CCC-SLP & Matthew Baud, MS CCC-SLP
Description: This Speech Generating Device (SGD) Features Checklist has been designed to help teams determine what features are required in a speech generating device. It provides a quick list of features across many popular speech generating devices. By signing up with TALC, you'll gain free access to many great tools. You are sent a passcode to access the Free Resources section. This tool is listed in the Evaluation Resources for Clinicians.
Description: This Speech Generating Device (SGD) Features Checklist has been designed to help teams determine what features are required in a speech generating device. It provides a quick list of features across many popular speech generating devices. By signing up with TALC, you'll gain free access to many great tools. You are sent a passcode to access the Free Resources section. This tool is listed in the Evaluation Resources for Clinicians.
Focus: Feature Matching
Focus: Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Checklist
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Checklist
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: Georgia Project for Assistive Technology
Author: Georgia Project for Assistive Technology
Description: Georgia Department of Education provides this free AAC evaluation protocol.
Description: Georgia Department of Education provides this free AAC evaluation protocol.
Focus: AAC Skills: Protocol, Feature Matching
Focus: AAC Skills: Protocol, Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Checklist, Direct Assessment, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Checklist, Direct Assessment, Observation
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: School Age
Population: School Age
Author: Ohio Department of Education
Author: Ohio Department of Education
Description: SIFTS is a feature matching guide to assist in finding appropriate assistive technology. SIFT'S purpose is to guide the feature matching portion of the AT assessment process. Either student or adult is selected, then questions about specific domain are asked for the identified area of functional difficulty. For AAC select "Communication" to compile an individual AAC Feature Profile.
Description: SIFTS is a feature matching guide to assist in finding appropriate assistive technology. SIFT'S purpose is to guide the feature matching portion of the AT assessment process. Either student or adult is selected, then questions about specific domain are asked for the identified area of functional difficulty. For AAC select "Communication" to compile an individual AAC Feature Profile.
The goal of this specific tool is to help identify a comprehensive listing of features that might be included in a communication system. The descriptions, images and videos are provided to enhance your understanding of each individual feature. Use these features to begin the process of matching appropriate AT solutions to your student's needs. Feature matching checklist allow a compare/contrast of up to 3 different AAC devices based on answers to questions about the individual.
Focus: Feature Matching
Focus: Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report with Checklist
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report with Checklist
Format: Web-based survey tool
Format: Web-based survey tool
Population: School Age
Population: School Age
Outcome Measures
Outcome Measures
Author: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Center, Toronto
Author: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Center, Toronto
Description: The Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale for Augmentative and Alternative Communication is a parent-report questionnaire designed to detect functional change associated with AAC interventions for the families and individuals 3 years to 18 years. 13 dimensions measure overall and domain-specific functioning associated with AAC system use including seven child-related factors (behavior, communication, contentment, doing activities, education, self-reliance, social versatility) and six parent- and family-related factors (caregiver relief, energy, family roles, finances, security, supervision).
Description: The Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale for Augmentative and Alternative Communication is a parent-report questionnaire designed to detect functional change associated with AAC interventions for the families and individuals 3 years to 18 years. 13 dimensions measure overall and domain-specific functioning associated with AAC system use including seven child-related factors (behavior, communication, contentment, doing activities, education, self-reliance, social versatility) and six parent- and family-related factors (caregiver relief, energy, family roles, finances, security, supervision).
Focus: Outcome Measure
Focus: Outcome Measure
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Parent Report: Questionnaire
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Parent Report: Questionnaire
Format: Downloadable Fillable Doc
Format: Downloadable Fillable Doc
Population: Children & Youth
Population: Children & Youth
Description: ASHA's 7 point scale measure is designed to assess functional change with sub-section measuring AAC. Voluntary data collection system that illustrates the value of speech-language pathology services. In exchange for submitting data to ASHA, you and the organization have access to your data benchmarked against national data. Pre- and post-therapy functional communication measure (FCM) ; All ASHA SLPs can utilize for free after registration and reliability training. NOMS Registration link:
Description: ASHA's 7 point scale measure is designed to assess functional change with sub-section measuring AAC. Voluntary data collection system that illustrates the value of speech-language pathology services. In exchange for submitting data to ASHA, you and the organization have access to your data benchmarked against national data. Pre- and post-therapy functional communication measure (FCM) ; All ASHA SLPs can utilize for free after registration and reliability training. NOMS Registration link:
Focus: Outcome Measure
Focus: Outcome Measure
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Rating Scale
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Professional Report: Rating Scale
Format: Online database entry
Format: Online database entry
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: Stephen Ryan, Tracy Shepherd, et al.
Author: Stephen Ryan, Tracy Shepherd, et al.
Description: This form is designed to measure communication competencies, training history, and AAC systems to track progress at three times over the first ~12 weeks a client has an AAC system
Description: This form is designed to measure communication competencies, training history, and AAC systems to track progress at three times over the first ~12 weeks a client has an AAC system
Focus: Outcome Measure
Focus: Outcome Measure
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Direct Assessment
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Direct Assessment
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: L. Demers, R. Weiss-Lambrou & B. Ska
Author: L. Demers, R. Weiss-Lambrou & B. Ska
Description: Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology (Version 2) measures patient satisfaction with various assistive technologies.
Description: Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology (Version 2) measures patient satisfaction with various assistive technologies.
Focus: Outcome Measure
Focus: Outcome Measure
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Self Report: Questionaire
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Self Report: Questionaire
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: Ages: 13-65+
Population: Ages: 13-65+
Quality Guideline
Quality Guideline
Author: WATI
Author: WATI
Description: Wisconsin assistive technology initiative (WATI) guide for choosing any type of assistive techology including an AAC device: AT Decision-Making Guide, AT Trial Use Summary, AT Contiuum, Classroom Observation Guide, Consideration Guide Form, Procedure Guide for Assessment, Procedure Guide for Consideration, Student Info Guide, Tool Identification Guide, Trial Use Guide, Trial Use Guide Form.
Description: Wisconsin assistive technology initiative (WATI) guide for choosing any type of assistive techology including an AAC device: AT Decision-Making Guide, AT Trial Use Summary, AT Contiuum, Classroom Observation Guide, Consideration Guide Form, Procedure Guide for Assessment, Procedure Guide for Consideration, Student Info Guide, Tool Identification Guide, Trial Use Guide, Trial Use Guide Form.
Focus: Quality Guideline, AAC Skills, Feature Matching
Focus: Quality Guideline, AAC Skills, Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Team Report, Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Team Report, Observation
Format: Downloadable, Fillable Forms and Guides
Format: Downloadable, Fillable Forms and Guides
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Author: Grant Wood Area Education Agency-Iowa Department of Education
Author: Grant Wood Area Education Agency-Iowa Department of Education
Description: Framework for gathering information across several key individuals and settings. Interviews may be repeated.
Description: Framework for gathering information across several key individuals and settings. Interviews may be repeated.
Focus: Quality Guideline
Focus: Quality Guideline
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Multiple
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: Multiple
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: School Age
Population: School Age
Description: This full manual update is a source for legal statutes and best practices for consideration and evaluation of assistive technology in special education. In addition, it includes helpful forms that can be used in AAC consideration to gather multiple perspectives (page 84 & on) from the families, students, educators. Many other forms included.
Description: This full manual update is a source for legal statutes and best practices for consideration and evaluation of assistive technology in special education. In addition, it includes helpful forms that can be used in AAC consideration to gather multiple perspectives (page 84 & on) from the families, students, educators. Many other forms included.
Focus: Quality Guideline
Focus: Quality Guideline
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP/Parent/Student/ Interview
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP/Parent/Student/ Interview
Format: Downloadable PDF with Fillable Forms
Format: Downloadable PDF with Fillable Forms
Population: School Age
Population: School Age
Author: Dr. Joy Zabala
Author: Dr. Joy Zabala
Description: Framework for gathering information across several key individuals and settings. Interviews may be repeated.
Description: Framework for gathering information across several key individuals and settings. Interviews may be repeated.
Focus: Quality Guideline, Feature Matching
Focus: Quality Guideline, Feature Matching
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP/Parent/Student/ Interview
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP/Parent/Student/ Interview
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: All Ages
Population: All Ages
Vocabulary, Environment & Interests
Vocabulary, Environment & Interests
Author: Beukelman and Mirenda (PrAACtically Speaking)
Author: Beukelman and Mirenda (PrAACtically Speaking)
Description: A participation inventory used to assess how individuals who use AAC participate across environments by looking at participation patterns. Use it to begin to plan intervention for short-term and to look ahead for longer-term planning to determine communicaiton needs. Adapted from Beukelman and Mirenda (2013).
Description: A participation inventory used to assess how individuals who use AAC participate across environments by looking at participation patterns. Use it to begin to plan intervention for short-term and to look ahead for longer-term planning to determine communicaiton needs. Adapted from Beukelman and Mirenda (2013).
Focus: Vocabulary, Environment, Interests
Focus: Vocabulary, Environment, Interests
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Observation
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: Students using AAC
Population: Students using AAC
Author: The Bridge School
Author: The Bridge School
Description: This ecological inventory may be used to select age appropriate vocabulary for an individual's AAC system. It assists in systematically gathering information about the language requirements in an individual's customary environments for fuller communication. Specific messages and vocabulary used by non-handicapped peers during the activities are documented and then considered for inclusion in an individual's AAC system.
Description: This ecological inventory may be used to select age appropriate vocabulary for an individual's AAC system. It assists in systematically gathering information about the language requirements in an individual's customary environments for fuller communication. Specific messages and vocabulary used by non-handicapped peers during the activities are documented and then considered for inclusion in an individual's AAC system.
Focus: Vocabulary, Environment, Interests
Focus: Vocabulary, Environment, Interests
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Observation
Tools, Techniques & Data Sources: SLP Report: Observation
Format: Downloadable PDF
Format: Downloadable PDF
Population: Students using AAC
Population: Students using AAC
To suggest a new AAC resource or to report a broken link, please send an email to
To suggest a new AAC resource or to report a broken link, please send an email to