The Minnesota Assessment Group (MAG) is an informal group of professionals interested in K-12 assessments from the administration of the assessment to the analysis, interpretation, presentation, and use of the data obtained from the assessments. We are interested in the evaluation of programs and initiatives in Minnesota schools and districts.   

MAG Information

This group comes together throughout the school year. We hold meetings from 12:30-3:00pm on a Friday.  

In a typical year, Meetings are held at the Aŋpétu Téča Education Center, 1910 County Road B West, Roseville. All of our meetings will be in a hybrid format for continued remote attendance. The MAG facilitator(s) will send an email via the Google Group with the link to the Zoom meeting before the scheduled meeting date, typically about a week ahead of time.

In addition to regular meetings we host the MAG Google Group, which allows members from all over the state to communicate with colleagues about issues of interest and importance related to assessment.  

All MAG resources including meeting agenda and notes are visible to members of the MAG Google Group. Anyone who is associated with assessment, research and/or evaluation in PreK -12+ education in Minnesota is welcome to join MAG.

To Apply to Join: Go to the Group

MAG Member Resources

2023-2024 Meeting Dates

MAG Meeting Dates and Topics

2023-2024 MAG co-Facilitators

Stacey Lackner,

Jake Von De Linde, 

Key External Resources

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) provides two webpages with information and resources about Statewide Testing and other assessment information.