The Unknown Andean Condor

1 About UAC

About “The Unknown Andean Condor” [UAC].

This website is principally devoted to disseminating new information on the Andean Condor Vultur gryphus, with particular emphasis on its movements and distribution.  From my researches, a vast number of anomalous mysteries can be attributed to the Andean Condor.  These reports will bring move towards bringing closure to many of these mysteries and will likely serve as a basis to enlighten the general public as to its true nature.

The Andean Condor as the Basis of a Vast Number of Anomalous Mysteries.

[Written September 14, 2015.  Mathew Louis.]


Wordpress:  The Unknown Andean Condor 

mmslouisuac  The Unknown Andean Condor


    1  The Unknown Andean Condor

    2  The Unknown Andean Condor:  Introduction

    3  The Vulture of West Rushville, Ohio

    4  On a Record of the Condor from Panamá

    5  Explanation of the 1977 Lawndale, Illinois Incident

    6  Further Assessment of the Lawndale Incident

     7  Reprisal of My Evaluation of Bartram  

     8  Criticism of a Recent Title by D'Elia and Haig

    9  Review of Some Michigan Cases as Cited in Clark

    10  Evaluation of Extra-limital Movement in the Large-billed Tern

     11  Considering the Evidence of the Andean Condor in Alabama

     12   The Lamentable Decline of the Andean Condor

     13  A Synopsis of the Recent Diurnal Raptors    forthcoming



