


6.  M. Morimoto, Non-existence of exceptional orbits under polar actions on Hilbert spacesarXiv:2307.02782.

Peer-reviewed papers 

5.  M. Morimoto, The canonical isomorphism between path spaces and principal curvatures of PF submanifolds, Tokyo J. Math., to appear.   (preprint | previous ver. )

4.  M. Morimoto, Curvatures and austere property of orbits of path group actions induced by Hermann actions, Transform. Groups (2022).     (Preprint)

3.  M. Morimoto, On weakly reflective submanifolds in compact isotropy irreducible Riemannian homogeneous spaces,  Tokyo J. Math. 44 (2021), no. 2, 467--476.     (Preprint)

2.  M. Morimoto,  Austere and arid properties for PF submanifolds in Hilbert spaces, Differential Geom. Appl. 69 (2020), 101613, 24 pp.     (Preprint)

1.  M. Morimoto, On weakly reflective PF submanifolds in Hilbert spaces, Tokyo J. Math. 44 (2021), no. 1, 103--124.     (Preprint)

Ph.D. Thesis

  M. Morimoto,  Minimal PF submanifolds in Hilbert spaces with symmetries,  Ph.D. Thesis.  doi/10.24544/ocu.20200615-005   summary (in Japanese)


13. M. Morimoto, Proper Fredholm submanifolds and affine Kac-Moody symmetric spaces, RIMS Kôkyûroku, to appear.  Preprint

12.  M. Morimoto, Submanifold geometry of orbits of polar actions on Hilbert spaces and its application, Proceedings of The 24th International Workshop on Differential Geometry & Related Fields 24(2023) 317--326

11M. Morimoto, On the converse problem for austere orbits of path group actions induced by Hermann actions, Proceedings of The 23rd International Differential Geometry Workshop on Submanifolds in Homogeneous Spaces & Related Topics 23 (2021), 157--165.   (Preprint: OCAMI Preprint Ser. 21-7)

10.  M. Morimoto, Minimal PF submanifolds in Hilbert spaces with symmetries, Report for the workshop: Submanifolds of Symmetric Spaces and Their Time Evolutions  OCAMI Reports, Vol. 2 (2021), 78-100   doi: 10.24544/ocu.20210605-002

9M. Morimoto, On minimal PF submanifolds in Hilbert spaces with symmetries, Report for the workshop: The 27th Osaka City University International Academic Symposium "Mathematical Science of Visualization, and Deepening of Symmetry and Moduli"  OCAMI Reports, Vol. 1 (2021), 40--41.   doi: 10.24544/ocu.20210605-001

8.  M. Morimoto, On the geometry of orbits of path group actions induced by Hermann actions, 部分多様体オンライン2020, 報告集.PDF

7森本真弘,対称性をもつ極小PF部分多様体について,研究集会「部分多様体幾何とリー群作用2019」予稿集 pp. 27 -34.  OCAMI Preprint Series 19-16. DOI: 10.24544/ocu.20200120-001

6森本真弘,ヒルベルト空間の弱鏡映PF部分多様体について,  第66回幾何学シンポジウム予稿集, pp. 100--104 (2019).  PDF

5森本真弘, ヒルベルト空間の弱鏡映部分多様体について, 研究集会「第2回数理新人セミナー」報告集 (2019).  PDF

4.  森本真弘, ヒルベルト空間の弱鏡映部分多様体について, 研究集会「部分多様体論・湯沢2018」報告集 (2018).  PDF

3.  M. Morimoto, The spectral properties of transversally elliptic operators and some applications, Proceedings of The 21st International Workshop on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and Submanifolds 21 (2017). 

2.  森本真弘, コンパクト・リー群の表現と横断的楕円型作用素,  研究集会「第14回城崎新人セミナー」報告集 (2017).  PDF

1.  M. Morimoto,  The heat operator of a transversally elliptic operator, JP Journal of Geometry and Topology, 20, Issue 4, 369--408 (2017).