You may be wondering what a "Pasta Pal" is and that's fair. Sometimes I speak so fast that I never really explain a thought.

A Pasta Pal is YOU! The viewer who is lurking in the shadows and don't want to conversate. Maybe you're there because you like the game, heard about the movement or whatever the case YOU'RE AWESOME and a pal of mine. I hope you enjoy your stay, just remember to kick back, relax and save me some snacks ๐Ÿ˜Š....also you get these things called Pasta Points where you can interact more with the stream


CHEESY COMRADES SAULTE! You went beyond as Pasta Pal and decided to drop a ๐Ÿ’— aka a Follow

Dropping a follow means more to me than you know. It means I have done my job and entertained you in some way shape or form. I want to play games with followers as well as get to know who you are and why you play games. I want to teach you tips and learn tricks from you. The chat is also a welcoming community where you can express positive ides, interesting food topics or just saying random thoughts.

Thank you for being a Cheesy Comrade


SAAAWWWCCYYYY!!!! WE want the sawce, we want the sawce, we want the sawce YEAH!!

Being a SAWCY SOLDIER means YOU took the time to Subscribe to the PASTA PARTY! Beyond getting an amazing icon next to your twitch name, you get access to exclusive emotes, more pasta points to use mid stream, as well as AD FREE VIEWING ๐Ÿ˜Ž