
Graduate student workshop

  1. Google Colab for linear heat conduction problem (link)

  2. Google Colab for nonlinear heat conduction problem (link)

  3. Dataset for statistical analysis (link)


  1. Auburn HPC User Guide (link)

  2. Basic C++ programming. (tutorial) (bootcamp)

  3. Basic C programming. (tutorial) (bootcamp)

  4. Basic Fortran programming. (tutorial)

  5. Getting started with Python (tutorial)

  6. Linux cheat sheet. (link)


  1. Overleaf: online LaTeX platform. (link)

  2. Setting up LaTeX on Windows

    1. Install MiKTeX (link)

    2. Install LaTeX editor (Texmaker) (Kile)

  3. Setting up LaTeX on Ubuntu

    1. Install libraries using sudo apt install texlive-full -y

    2. Install Kile or your favorite LaTeX editor.

Helpful Links

  1. Advanced solid mechanics book by Dr. Alan Bower. (link)

  2. Online continuum mechanics book by Dr. Bob McGinty. (link)

  3. Del in cylindrical and curvilinear coordinates. (link)

  4. The Matrix Cookbook. (link)