From Chapter 6, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#9 Mistaken Developments in Religion

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

One can understand why Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all these three religions, became extremely aggressive. In the beginning when they started, there was a lot of turmoil, disturbances and aggression to the point of destruction. As a result, to preserve and to protect themselves, they started a religion based on war. They talked of love but revenge became the hidden mainstream of their religions.

There was a development in India also, on the same lines. When the Hindus were oppressed by the invading Muslims, the need arose for a new force to fight this scourge. As a result the Sikh religion emerged. Every Hindu family in the Punjab was asked for a son, perhaps its eldest son, to join the Sikh religion and to fight Muslim aggression. The rest of the Hindus remained passive and in the pursuit of their ascent.

There are other religions like Buddhism and Jainism. These religions believed in suffering and in tolerance. They also believed in compassion. Despite this, gradually some of their followers, who had become very mentally equipped by reading books or ritualism, went into many divisions. ... ...

The Hindus believed in tolerance. But after some time they too became very oppressed by the Muslims and Christians and started to take to a very defensive attitude of fighting.

Then there are the Chinese religions, which believe in non-violence more to animals than to human beings. So all these religions, so great, so sublime, were brought to some sort of a new form, which had aggression built inside it.

These conditionings of religions have separated human beings. The only way to solve this problem is by understanding that all religions in their essence are the same and all the religions must be respected. One person should not belong to one religion but to all the religions or to the religion which is within himself, innate and enlightened. And this religion is in everyone, so we can call it a universal pure religion.