From Chapter 6, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#8 Hypocricy in Religion

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Now, in Islamic fundamentalism, the main problem is that they say they are fighting the Western culture. Firstly, we must understand that in Western culture, which today is nowhere near what Christ has talked about, immorality has become the lifestyle of human beings. But what about the immorality the Muslims are indulging in, secretly, whenever they get the chance? They can be worse than Christians.

If you visit any one of the Christian nations, one is shocked to see that, though they call themselves nations of secularism, they all follow one particular type of Christianity. For example, in England the Church of England is the only accepted religion. France is the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church.

In Italy, one can understand but even parts of Germany, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Belgium and Ireland are politically dominated, absolutely by the Catholic Church, which has given no divinity to anyone whatsoever. Even the idea of divinity is confused with money. Please read the book: “In God’s Name.”

The way France is trying experiments of destruction in the Pacific Ocean shows how they have practised Catholicism. This country I visited very often because I felt the gate of hell, from where all the immorality is pouring, is in the city of Paris.

In these nations, in their private life, or in society, can one find that they try to imbibe the great qualities that our Lord Jesus Christ has taught? Only in name are they followers of Christ. For political control, they use religion without any substance of these great religions. All of them are making money and are not willing to accept the universal, pure, innate religion, which is the fountainhead of all these religions. Their own standard of understanding moral life through divinity is really very shocking. For example, they believe in heavy drinking, because they say that in the Christian religion drinking is allowed, as Christ went to a wedding and there he made wine out of water.