MetHods in Mixed Characteristic Geometry

Fall School at JGU Mainz | Oct 07-11 2024

The purpose of the school is to bring together people interested in learning about methods which lead to the recent progress in birational geometry and commutative algebra in mixed characteristic. Exciting developments in recent years include the successful development of the three dimensional MMP in mixed characteristic (0, p > 5), following the resolution of the long-open Direct Summand Conjecture and proof of the Cohen-Macaulayness of absolute integral closures. The school will feature two multi-lecture series by leading experts complemented by interactive exercise sessions that reinforce and expand upon the material covered, as well as a selection of invited talks by scholars working in related areas.

Organized by: Manuel Blickle (JGU Mainz) | Karl Schwede (U Utah) | Kevin Tucker (UIC)

Lecture Series

Linquan Ma (Purdue): Prismatic cohomology and applications to commutative algebra

Abstract: We give an introduction to prismatic cohomology. We will focus on its connections to perfectoid rings, the almost purity theorem, and its applications to mixed characteristic commutative algebra via the perfectoidization functor.

Jakub Witaszek (Princeton): Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and applications to singularities

Abstract: We will provide a brief introduction to the theory of perverse sheaves as well as Riemann-Hilbert correspondences in positive and mixed characteristics. We will focus on applications to commutative algebra, particularly to the theory of splinters.

Invited Talks

Fabio Bernasconi (Neuchatel)

Walter Gubler (Regensburg)

Arthur-César Le Bras (CNRS)

Wiesława Nizioł (CNRS)

Charles Vial (Bielefeld)

(and more, to be announced later)

Registration and financial support

There is a limited amount of financial support for local expenses available for graduate students and postdocs. In order to be considered for first round of funding fill out the registration form by June 10th 2024.