Total Protection

Some of the concerning matters for people

Sharing memories - More people are getting concerned about their personal details like social security number being hacked than photos. This might be true because of the growing risk of social security number being compromised and used for identity theft. But if you want to keep your summer secure, you should also keep your travel pictures private. These pictures contain metadata which is embedded in each photo and contains revealing information like geo-location, time, and place. You could install McAfee product key to protect your online identity.

Booking for travel – Although many individuals are scared of losing confidential information, they do not take effective measures. Hence, when making reservations or purchasing a plane ticket, make sure that you only provide the needed information. You should not share any personal details like your social security number. Some of the basic information needed to travel includes credit card number, passport or other government-issued identification.

Protect all your devices – In many surveys, it is found that people are extremely concerned about someone gaining unauthorized access to their photos. To take the best security measures, ensure that you make your phone digital security a priority. This could help you to keep your personal photos secure even when traveling for a long duration. Most people surf the internet using their mobile devices which makes it an easier target for hackers. You should protect your mobile phone’s personal data similar to the way you protect your laptop or router. Use McAfee Activate 25 Digit Code to use the best security product for your devices.

Tips to improve your summer season digital well being

  • Read the terms – Most users start exploring a website or an app without going through the terms and conditions. To ensure better security, you should review the privacy policy of your commonly-visit websites and daily applications. In this case, you should understand how your collected data is being used and whether it is being sold to third parties or not.

  • Limit the sharing of your location – When traveling, you are suggested to disable the location sharing feature of various apps and social media platforms. This protects you from letting the wrong person know that you are not home. By constantly sharing your real-time location, you could put your personal belongings and property at risk.

  • Review your social media settings – Lastly, before you hop on an airplane, consider removing your information-rich profiles from social media websites.