
Data Scientist


SSL Wireless (Software Shop Limited) (https://sslwireless.com/)

Location: New Eskaton, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Duration: August 2023 - Present

Engaged in applying advanced data science techniques, including Time Series Forecasting, Computer Vision, NLP, and Speech Recognition, to extract actionable insights that inform data-driven decision making, ultimately fostering company growth and innovation

Software Engineer


Upay, UCB Fintech Company Limited (https://www.upaybd.com/)

Location: Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Duration: June 2022 - July 2023

Developed microservices in Python and Golang to process numerous data from various databases like Postgres, and MySQL. Worked to improve existing microservices that the infrastructure uses. Worked on creating multiple services interacting with each other using RESTful endpoints with JSON as a data exchange format. Created APIs using Protocol Buffers and gRPC.

Adjunct lecturer


Department of CSE, Canadian University of Bangladesh (http://cse.cub.edu.bd/cse/faculty.php)

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Duration: October 2021 - October 2022

Started my career journey as an academic. Till the trimester of Spring 2022, as an adjunct lecturer, I have conducted the following courses:

Along with the courses and their curriculum, I am also involved in some research works with other faculty members in the CSE department.

Artificial intelligence engineer


Opus Technology Limited (https://www.opus-bd.com/)

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Duration: August 2021 - Aprill 2022

Started my professional career at Opus Technology Limited, Bangladesh as an AI Engineer. In the AI department, I am working in a team dedicated to working with "Reinforcement Learning" based agent modeling for several applications using state-of-the-art algorithms. My works include but are not limited to:

Artificial intelligence Researcher


Fab Lab, Independent University Bangladesh (http://fablabiub.com/researchers/)

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Duration: May 2021 - October 2022

After my graduation, I have continued my exploration in the research sector. I am currently carrying out a few research works and projects with a team of experienced researchers in the AI field, affiliated with Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), where we also instruct a group of CSE students of IUB who are interested in research. My current research works here include: