Hi there! Welcome to my website! This is M Mashrukh Zayed, a Software Engineer, a Data Scientist, and also a young researcher from Bangladesh. My work and research interest solely lies in the field of Software Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.

In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family. I also love to read and travel a lot!

Keeping myself up-to-date with the fast-forwarding world is kind of my habit. For that, I find the social media platforms most effective. Somewhere on this animated screen here, you'll find my official and social media profiles. Would be delighted to have you as a connection!

This is where I finish my brief introduction! The rest of the website will speak on my behalf. You are warmly invited to take a look!

Enjoy surfing!

M Mashrukh zayed


Software Engineer, Researcher, Data Scientist


Confident, Curious, Inquisitive


Python, Golang, Data Science, Databases, AI\ML

Contact Information




+(880) 1747740151

Home Address:

Pabna Sadar, Pabna-6600, Bangladesh

Current Address:

West Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, BD



Who am I?

My name is M Mashrukh Zayed. I am an engineer, a data scientist, and also a researcher. Currently working as a Software Engineer, also have experience as a freelance Data Scientist, an AI Engineer and an Adjunct Lecturer. Pursuing my MSc in CSE as well.

What adjectives can express my personality?

I am confident in what I do. I am curious about both learning myself and teaching others new things. I am also inquisitive in nature regarding my interests.

What am I really good at?

I consider myself good at studying and analyzing latest technologies in depth. I also find myself well organized in case of time management. Practically, I am skilled in the Python, Golang, Databases, and Cloud Development. Also have specialization in Data Science, AI/ML.

What are my research interests?

I am a new generation researcher in Computer Science. My research interests are Machine Learning (in AI), Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing, and Data Science.

What is my career goal?

To remain a developing and research-intensive personnel. To apply my horizon of skills in both the academic and industrial sectors. To work for the betterment of human civilization and modernization.

My Resume