We accelerate vision and learning algorithms.
Welcome to GIST Machine Learning and Vision Laboratory!
Employment Status of Alumni
Last modified: Sep 2024
Research Area
GIST Machine Learning and Vision Laboratory seeks to advance 1️⃣ computer vision and pattern recognition algorithms, particularly in the area of multi-object tracking and 2D / 3D visual perception (e.g. detection / action recognition / density estimation) using traditional algorithmic and recent machine learning approaches. We are interested in applications for real-time 2️⃣ visual surveillance. Besides, to help numerous IT companies use their AI models more efficiently, we also study various technologies such as knowledge distillation, model compression and imbalanced learning etc. Recently, 3️⃣ cultural technology has been in the spotlight and we try to contribute to the cultural industry with our ML/CV knowledge (e.g. exhibition hall guide robot) through cooperation with other domain experts.
지스트 머신러닝 비전 연구실은 1️⃣ 머신 러닝과 컴퓨터 비전의 모든 알고리즘과 실질 응용을 다룬다. 주 연구 분야로는 2️⃣ 시각 감시 등 고수준의 시각적 인식과 재구성 문제를 해결하는 것이다 (e.g. 물체 감지 / 행위 인식 / 밀도 추정). 또한, AI 모델의 효과적인 상용화를 위한 경량화, 불균형 학습 등의 이론 연구도 수행한다. 최근, 3️⃣ 문화 기술에 대한 사회적 관심과 우리 연구실과의 협력을 희망하는 기관이 등장함에 따라, 우리의 ML/CV 지식을 바탕으로 다양한 도메인 전문가와의 문화 기술 연구 협력도 주력하고 있다 (e.g. 전시관 안내 로봇).
Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition
(High-level & Low-level) Image / Video Processing /
Representation Learning
Machine Learning
Model Compression / Knowledge Distillation / Imbalanced Learning
Visual Surveillance
Multi-object Tracking / 2D & 3D Object Detection / Anomaly Detection /
Density Estimation / Action Recognition / Re-identification
Cultural Technology
Exhibition Hall Guide Robot
Please feel free to contact our research team.
👨🏫 Prof. Moongu Jeon
+82-62-715-2406 / EECS-C3-308
We're always looking forward strong and motivated students.
👨🎓 GIST E-mento. Yechan Kim
+82-62-715-3254 / EECS-C3-306
Feel free to ask me about
1) Intern (Korean), 2) M.S. Course (Korean)!
No M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated and Ph.D. courses available.
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