University of Texas

LBJ School of Public Affairs- Masters of Public Affairs May 2022

School of Information- Masters of Science in Information Studies May 2022

Nonprofit Management Certificate May 2022

NonProfit Management and Informal Education

Philanthropy: A Historical and Contemporary Approach:

This class focused on the history of Philanthropy, as well as some of the major philosophies and challenges to the nonprofit sector and philanthropy

Planning and Understanding Exhibits:

This class focused on the process of building an exhibit, from ideas and choosing materials, to theming and building supports, to marketing and presentation. It followed a semester long project where the class worked together to bring an exhibit surrounding photography throughout history to the ischool.

Management of Preservation Programs:

This class focused on preservation techniques and learning the requirements for different types of materials for long-term sustainability. We wrote papers surrounding recommendations for a facility trying to fix their material storage as well as a grant paper for proper storage materials for an institution.

Mobilizing Communities and Engaging Volunteers:

A class focused on how to increase community engagement into collaboration and different methodologies surrounding leadership in volunteer programs. Additionally we worked with a community partner in Austin on the challenges involved in communities suffering from Heat Islands.

Relevant Assignments: Youth Volunteering Programs- an analysis of what makes a good youth volunteer program by comparing and contrasting those in Texas

Youth Volunteering Programs.docx

NonProfit Management: How to Succeed as a Director

This class was taught by Walter Moreau of Community Foundations. It went over the major points of how to succeed as an executive director including storytelling, budgeting, creating programs, and fundraising.

Relevant Assignments: Memo to the Board- A written assignment where I proposed a theoretical children's museum program to its theoretical board

Recruitment and Retention Model- A written assignment where I adapted the Benevon Fundraising Model to be a staff recruitment and retention tool.

Capstone- Camp Kachina
Nature Center Development

My graduating Project for the Ischool, where I took the experience from my classes in museums and preservation to create a more usable Nature Center for the Girl Scouts of Central Texas Camp Kachina.

Working with Youth

Serving the Outskirts:

While this class focused primarily on generalized service delivery in the outskirts of Austin, Texas it covered a diversity of issues which affect children as well such as food insecurity, access to the internet, transportation challenges, as well as health services. Ultimately this class created a 100+ page report delivered to the City of Austin surrounding these issues and possible solutions/case studies to addressing them.

Civic Entrepreneurship for America's Children:

This class acted as an Entrepreneurship exercise. The first half of the class surrounded issues affecting children and then as teams we took those issues and designed a startup intending to address them. My group focused on the challenge of Heat Islands by designing a business model surrounding roofing to protect kids and parents. This series of tasks required us to go through creating identity models and creating business plans and elevator pitches.

School Library Management:

This class is part of a series designed to help future librarians prepare for their certifications by going through the tenements of being a good librarian, what ideal library spaces could look like as well as goals for student engagement.

Inquiry and Information Seeking in K-12:

This class focused on the inquiry model for children's education created by Kuhltau. We underwent the inquiry process in order to create a project. I created a presentation based around the challenges for building a children's museum such as the amount of space to purchase where I referenced case studies of other children's museums as well as Disney World.

Block Chains and the Decentralized Economy

While this class has an intense title, it focused primarily on going through the entrepreneurship process. We learned about designing mission statements and refining the idea.

Relevant Assignment: Feather Macaroni is the "startup" I created. It's goal was to address the challenges of finding the right craft project or activity. While this started out as its own blog with pinterest page, it soon turned into a pinterest page where I solely pinned crafts that met a certain set of standards. Attached is the powerpoint presentation which went over the process

Feather Macaroni.pptx

Race, Immigration and Citizenship

This class focused on the history of Race, Immigration and Citizenship in the United States as well as perspectives on the present.

Relevant Assignments: This class offered the opportunity to write historical and future perspectives on the topic of our choosing. Breaking Down Barriers to the Outdoors summarizes some of the larger issues on why Summer Camps and Outdoor Recreation may be struggling to see increases in Diversity in their demographics while Collaboration and Advocacy addresses some ways forward to the future we're trying to achieve.

Lubenow M RIC 4.docx

Data Management

Database Management:

This class focuses on learning how to build a databases using mySQL.

Relevant Assignment: Feather Macaroni is further built out in this class, as rather than a pinterest page marking approval a bare bones database is built out for cataloguing craft projects and activities. This is searchable by age ranges, time it takes, materials required, themes, etc.

Data Storytelling:

In this class we learned how to use the software Tableau through a series of projects.

Relevant Assignments: A Review of Summer Camp Conditions is a visual representation and analysis of data from a group dedicated to Summer Camp Professionals. The charts analyze the demographics of the industry, and differences in conditions based on type of camp and gender.