June 22-23, 2021

Online Workshop
"Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis - Virtual Days"

Chair: Luigi Rodino (University of Turin, Italy)

Organization: S. Ivan Trapasso (University of Genoa, Italy)

The conference will take place online via Zoom.

Participation is free and very encouraged. Registration is mandatory to receive the access links.

Feel free to contact us for any questions at: mltfavd@gmail.com

Aims and scope

The focus of this workshop lies in the broad realm of harmonic analysis in phase space, especially on the latest developments of microlocal and time-frequency analysis of generalized functions and operators. In the last thirty years we have witnessed a fruitful interplay between different approaches from these fields, leading to exciting new problems and also to a common toolkit of techniques that showed its full power with respect to a remarkably wide range of applications.

Without any claim of being exhaustive, it is worth mentioning some of the research areas where this joint effort resulted in considerable progress: analysis of partial differential equations, pseudodifferential and Fourier integral operators; generalized functions and propagation of singularities; noncommutative and spectral analysis; operator algebras and semigroups; generalized bases and frames; theory of function spaces; mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics and signal processing.

The main goal of this online conference is to offer a valuable forum where mathematicians working on such areas of research can discuss old and new challenges. The invited lectures by international leaders will encompass a broad selection of topics, thereby representing the aforementioned diversity of problems. We expect that the exchange of ideas between experts and young researchers, possibly from neighbouring research communities, will trigger new collaborations and promising lines of future investigation.


  • Nenad Antonić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

  • Hans Feichtinger (University of Vienna, Austria)

  • Oana Ivanovici (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions - Sorbonne University, France)

  • Philippe Jaming (Université de Bordeaux, France)

  • Franz Luef (NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

  • Stevan Pilipović (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)

  • Karel Pravda-Starov (IRMAR – Université de Rennes 1, France)

  • Michael Reissig (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)

  • Michael Ruzhansky (Ghent University, Belgium)

  • Camillo Trapani (Università di Palermo, Italy)

  • Patrik Wahlberg (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)