International Workshop on Machine Learning for Soft Matter 2021

February 09 - 10, 2021

Venue : on-line (Zoom webinar)


The MLSM 2021 Workshop will take place on February 9 and 10, 2021 via Zoom webinar from Kyoto University.

We have a total of 10 speakers, from various fields of Machine Learning and Soft-Matter.

The registration deadline for participants is Feb. 3, 2021.

All presentations will be in English.

Invited Speakers

  • Koji Fukagata (Keio University)

Applications of convolutional neural networks to fluid mechanics problems

  • Emtiyaz Khan (RIKEN)

Bayesian principles for learning machines (abstract)

  • Yasuya Nakayama (Kyushu University)

Elastic shear-thickening in dilute suspensions in viscoelastic fluids

  • Takeshi Sato (Kyoto University)

Multi-scale simulation for flows of entangled polymer melts based on the SPH and slip-link models

  • Ryohei Seto (Wenzhou Institute, UCAS)

Toward a fluid mechanics simulation of dense suspensions

  • Hayato Shiba (Tokyo University)

Data-driven approach for accelerated computing - a CFD example and beyond

  • Keisuke Yamazaki (AIST)

ML in simulation and simulation in ML (abstract)

  • Kenji Yasuoka (Keio University)

Acceleration and analysis of molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning


The workshop will start on the morning of the 9th of February, and end in the afternoon of 10th of February (Japan Standard Time).

The program and schedule are available here.

Note: select abstracts will only be made available to registered participants.


Please register by Wednesday Feb. 03 2021 using the registration page.

ONLY registered participants will be allowed to attend.

Organizing Committee

  • Takashi Taniguchi (Kyoto University)

  • John J. Molina (Kyoto University)



This workshop is supported by the SPIRITS 2020 of Kyoto University