Mpower Academy

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” 


Our Environment For Kids

In all our Mpower Academy learning teachings, we build an awareness of an important concept of life education? creating a positive study environment. Positive signs will remind your child’s subconscious mind of his or her potential to learn. Help your child create an inspiring atmosphere by making some signs.  



Innovative Formula "Learn By Doing"

 Children and teenagers learn by seeing, hearing, exploring, experimenting and asking questions. Your child will become a more independent learner, but he/she’ll still need your encouragement for learning.  We can support your child’s learning by building a relationship with your child’s practical knowledge. 


Our Mission And Vision

Mission: To lead and support the early learning community in building the best foundation for children.  Vision: We are Mpower Academy’s first step for early learning through collaborative leadership that ensures, All children receive high-quality care and learning. All families have the support they need for their children to succeed. All children are ready for their academic and lifelong success.



A Word From Our Mentor

” You are born with unlimited potential, to be more than what you know, to be more than what you see each moment. Believe in your dreams; remember, even this world was once a dream of Universes’. The talents and skills you need are already inside you and you will not know it unless you step beyond your boundaries. Positive thinking and right belief system are the raw materials that everyone needs. It is the freedom of every student to use it to become the nations’ asset. “




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