Who am I?
I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at Seoul Natinoal Univerisity.
Outside the physics realm I am a runner, karateka, hiker, polyglot.
Short Bio
I completed a Laurea Triennale (~ Bachelor's) and a Laurea Magistrale (~Master's) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Later on, I moved to the University of Cincinnati, where I completed my PhD under the supervision of Philip Argyres. During this time, we refined the picture of Coulomb Branches of rank-1 N=2 superconformal field theories, providing a classification of all possible allowed geometries for such theories.
I then moved to the University of Massachusetts Amherst for a postdoctoral position and started working with Ben Heidenreich on various topics, ranging from superconformal field theories - constructing lagrangian descriptions for certain sets of strongly coupled N=2 theories - to the swampland program = refining some of the conjectures (weak gravity conjecture) by providing systematic proofs using the string worldsheet.
During the PhD program I was a Teaching Assistant for a variety of undergraduate courses, including Labs for Freshmen and Sophomore Physics Students.
In the fall of 2019, I taught a First Year Seminar course in Special Relativity. Besides the subject content, the course focused on promoting interactions among the students and help me them transition in an optimal way to the college environment.
I started and managed several journal clubs and I was the president of the Physics Department Graduate Student Association for three consecutive years (2015-2018).
I also co-organized a few workshops including:.
Great Lakes String (2017),
Theoretical Tests of the Swampland Conjecture (2019),
Physical Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory (2022).