
Prof. Gitta Kutyniok

LMU Munich

Gitta Kutyniok was educated in Detmold, and in 1996 earned a diploma in mathematics and computer science at Paderborn University. She completed her doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) at Paderborn in 2000. Her dissertation, Time-Frequency Analysis on Locally Compact Groups, was supervised by Eberhard Kaniuth.

From 2000 to 2008 she held short term positions at Paderborn University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Giessen, Washington University in St. Louis, Princeton University, Stanford University, and Yale University. In 2006 she earned her habilitation in Giessen, in 2008 she became a full professor at Osnabrück University, and in 2011 she was given the Einstein Chair at the Technical University of Berlin. In 2018 she added courtesy affiliations with computer science and electrical engineering at TU Berlin.

Since taking her position in Berlin she has also visited ETH Zürich, and taken an adjunct faculty position at the University of Tromsø. Since October 2020 she has taken up a position at LMU Munich.

Prof. Dinggang Shen

United Imaging Intelligence

Dinggang Shen is Co-CEO of United Imaging Intelligence (UII). Before joining UII, he was Jeffrey Houpt Distinguished Investigator, and a Professor in the Department of Radiology and BRIC at UNC-Chapel Hill. Before joining UNC as an associate professor in April 2008, he was also a tenure-track assistant professor in the University of Pennsylvanian (UPenn), and a faculty member in the Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Shen is Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), and also Fellow of The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). His research interests include medical image analysis, computer vision, and pattern recognition. He has published more than 1100 peer-reviewed papers in the international journals and conference proceedings, with H-index 101. He serves as an editorial board member for eight international journals. Also, he has served in the Board of Directors, The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Society, in 2012-2015, and was General Chair for MICCAI 2019.