Introducing Raja Rasalu

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my Storybook about Raja Rasalu. To give you a little background, Raja means prince. I am Rajakanya Rasalu, Raja Rasalu's older sister. Rajakanya means princess, and I am three years older than Raja. We are both from Punjab, an area that is now in both modern day India and Pakistan which is in South Asia.

I was the first child. When I was born, society was not as excited to have me. The second I was born, there are stories that my mother prayed that she would have a boy. My mother wanted a son and acted as if I was not even born. If I was a son and a Raja, maybe my story would have been included. I wouldn't have to write this Storybook. When Raja was born, everything became about him.

I am often forgotten in these stories that many people tell about my baby brother, Raja. In this Storybook, I will be re-telling many of the best stories about my younger brother, Raja Rasalu, such as The King and his Two Queens, How Raja Rasalu was Born, How Raja Rasalu Killed the Giants, and How He Played Chaupur. I was present in all of these stories, but I felt practically invisible. I will tell these stories how they really occurred.

I love my little brother and I guess he is brave and all, but people did not get his story right. These stories will explore Raja Rasalu's beginning, his backstory, and some of "his" most brave stories, but I will tell them. I won't give you any mumbo jumbo, only the real stuff. Get ready for some modern-day drama! Thanks for reading my Storybook. I hope you enjoy it ;)

Image Source: "Mughal Princess;" Web Source: Wikimedia