
Broadband Mobile Communication (BMC) Laboratory was initiated in 2010. BMC Laboratory is a research group in the Department of Communication Engineering at National Central University (NCU), Taiwan. We do research on communication theory, signal processing as well as their applications for future wireless and mobile communications, and enthusiastically try to make our contribution to advanced communication technology for providing innovation in both academia and industry. Our current research focus includes 

We are looking for master and Ph.D program students interested in these emerging wireless communication areas to join us. 

2024/11/16  推甄及考試新生資訊:若您有興趣加入本實驗室,請提供備審資料、成績單、專題成果等資料,E-mail到 mlku@ce.ncu.edu.tw


Contact Information:

Tel: +886-3-4227151 ext.35533

Lab: 320 桃園市中壢區中大路300號 E1-214B